Chapter 13

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Thank you so much everyone for being patient with me! I really appreciate! I hope you enjoy this new chapter ♥


Pale hands shivered as he clutched the files, almost wrinkling the papers. His inner turmoil swirled with nervousness as he pictured out all of the scenarios that would likely happen in the near future. Levi took a long quivering breath, settling his nerves and his thoughts.

What would Eren say?

Even without asking out loud, the little raven knew the Pharaoh would be ecstatic. But the thought of carrying a whole new life inside him kept Levi from worrying.

Should he change his diet? Take some vitamins? He should start reading parenting books and probably attend some prenatal class? Was all too soon? Was he physically and mentally prepared for this?

A tinge of excitement bloomed within Levi. His Omegan instincts cheered in happiness at the news, it was a natural response for Omegas and it helped Levi avert his attention away from his worries. What would the baby look like? Is it a girl or a boy?

Yet uncertainty and anxiety overpowered his excitement. One thing was, the raven never saw himself have a family yet but the thought was not unwanted. It's an Omega's inner nature to care for the young and the whole family. But what if he's carrying an Alpha?

Hange dropped him off to his apartment and gave him a reassuring smile before going back to her car and probably headed home. Levi waved at her as left, thinking that he should treat the Beta some ice cream for all the help she offered to him.

Letting himself in the building, Levi decided to take the stairs hoping that the time spent climbing could sort his thoughts. But only then he reached his floor he realized that he had no idea how to break the news to the Alpha.

Should he just give the files?

The Omega was now facing his door, still contemplating on what to do when suddenly the door opened. Reaviling the smiling Alpha.

"Levi! How was the appointment?" Eren asked.

"Ah..." Levi gaped.

They stared at each other for a moment until Eren realized what caused the Omega's surprise.

"Oh, I can feel you in bond..." Eren confessed looking down at his feet. He didn't want to invade Levi's privacy and act out irrationally. He could feel his mate's emotions in the bond clear as crystal. Levi's sudden bust of worry and fear kept Eren's Alpha instincts to act up, demanding him to go to the Omega and protect him with his life.

But Eren had faith that Levi could handle it himself and that he shouldn't jump into every situation and rip someone else throat because someone made Levi worry. That's the reason why Eren preferred to stay at home, with Levi started to open up with him causing their emotions and some thoughts to connect like red string. And that resulted strong urge to be protective towards the raven.

To be specific, to be overprotective. The urge to cage the little Omega in his arms and act as a human shield, to follow Levi around like a dog just to make sure nothing bad happened to him. It reached to the point of carrying the Omega just to make sure that the little raven won't trip on a stray rock when going to work. Of course, Eren knew these instincts would annoy the hell out of Levi.

"Is... everything okay?" He asked when Levi didn't react to his confession.

Levi closed his eyes and took a deep breath before facing Eren, headstrong. It's no use on hiding it, he forgot about the bond, the bond where mates could share emotions and sometimes feel one's presence. Maybe that's a good thing? Eren just mentioned that he could feel Levi's emotions but why couldn't the little raven feel his, in vice verse? That's how the bond worked, right? But putting that aside, Levi wanted to focus on the current situation as of now. "I have to tell you something. But first, let me in."

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