Chapter "Welcome to Grace Field shelter!"

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A/n: I've heard your concerns and I have changed it so Phil and Eugene aren't dating. I too was worried at first but went with it at the beginning. However, now I read back on my old chapters, I can see the many mistakes and weird parts in my story, so I decided to edit some of the later chapters, beginning with this chapter. I only change small parts so there will still be inconsistent and strange parts but I hope you'll still enjoy this story. Thank you for your time!

<3rd POV>

    It has been two years since the 18 kids escaped from Grace field plantation 3. They have been living at the clearing (y/n) found a while ago. Eugene was just out patrolling the area for any wild demons, he walked back to the camp and was greeted by the smell of food. "Eugene!" Phil called out, running towards the boy that just came back. Phil and Eugene had gotten closer after escaping. They know about each other's feelings and decided when they get older, they'll officially get together. "Eugene, welcome back. The girls have made food, come and eat." Norman said, walking towards the pair. They went to the middle of the camp and sat down with the other kids. "Welcome back! How did patrol go?" Emma greeted Eugene as she helps serve food to the other children. While every eats, Eugene reports about his patrol.

    "I've only seen one wild demon during the entire patrol, everything seems peaceful. Anyway, where's Ray? Has he not come back yet?" Eugene asked. Just then, the said raven-haired boy walked towards them. "Hey..." He greeted tiredly. "Welcome back Ray! put down your things and come eat!" Emma said. Ray put down his gun and cloak then walked towards the group. He sat beside Eugene and took a bite of his food. "How was patrol?" Norman asked. "It was okay, I came in contact with two wild demons." He said. " I only saw one," Eugene said. "It seems like lesser demons are wandering around here these days." Gilda pointed out. "Yeah, I wonder why..." Don said. After they finished eating, Ray was looking through the notebook he got from (y/n) on the night they escaped. He opened the letter placed inside the book, reading it for the tenth time.

   Dear Ray,

           If you're reading this means you must have escaped with the others. I know I promised to escape with you but if I did, who knows what would happen to Isabella. I really am sorry and I really want to stay with you but I have to go through with my own plans.

    I didn't want to hurt Emma, I really didn't. The guilt has been eating away at me the entire day, I hope you guys will forgive me, even if you don't it's understandable. I'm sure Norman has explained everything to you and the others by the time you read this, I would have told you everything, but you would have been against my plans and tried to stop me.

     I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to survive through my plan, there's a chance I might die. However, I'm sure the future me would have promised you that we'll see each other again so I'm not going to die even if the Grim Reaper comes and drag me to the land of the dead. After all, our life is not a Promised Neverland

      I'll go find you when everything settles down, I love you, Ray.

Yours Sincerely,

         Ray sighed after he read the letter, his heart ached every time he thought about the (eye colour) eyed girl. She has done so much for them, preparing extra supplies such as clothes, food, weapons etc. She even saved Norman from the demons, she has been protecting them for so long, risking her life for everyone. He closes the book and placed it in his satchel for safekeeping.

        Everyone was minding their own business, taking with each other, checking their supplies when they heard a sudden roar. They turned to look at the edge of the clearing, a big wild demon was walking towards their camp. "Get back! It's a demon!" Emma warned as Norman gathered everyone. Eugene was about to activate his power and kill it when the demon suddenly fell face first and died. "What the-" Eugene was confused as he had not even activated his power. 

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