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Three yellow buses stand in front of Sylvia Wynter as the students paired up to enter the school bus for their three-day field trip. She was paired up with a boy, that was known as her tormenter. His name was Ace Johnson, he had always bullied Sylvia for as long as she could remember. Now the sad part was that these two used to be the best of friends, well that was until Sylvia's parents died.

The line started moving, entering their buses one by one to get to the seats. She finally gets the chance to sit in one of the rows in the back.

A hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder harshly. She looked down and saw the hand of her ex-best friend. She turns around ready to ask him why he had his hands on her. Before she gets to ask, ace beats her to it.

"You better not talk to me or else you won't like the consequences!"

After hearing that before Sylvia even gets a chance to think about what she is going to say, the words slipped out of her mouth before she could even stop herself.

"Wouldn't want to talk to a bitch like you anyways"

Ace was a taken back by Sylvia's sudden outburst


Sylvia's head whipped to the side as ace backhanded her.

"What did I tell you, bitch! I told you that you wouldn't like the consequences!"

Sylvia decided to not say anything and look down. She didn't want to cause a bigger scene than it already was. Sylvia just sat down holding her cheek while saying nothing. She knew that this was going to leave a bruise.

She looked out of the window as the bus started to go out of the schools parking lot.

She wondered where she was going because she didn't even know there was a school trip in the first place. All she knew was that the field trip will take place in the woods. Before she went out of her uncle's house to get to her school, her uncle pulls her back in and hands her a duffel bag full of her clothes and had said that there was a field trip and this duffel bag was for her to take with her into the woods.

After her parents, she was sent to live with her uncle. Sylvia's uncle wasn't that bad but there were still some times when her uncle would mentally abuse her. She always thought nothing of it because her parents do the same thing and thinks that this is normal parenting.

(4 hours later)

Sylvia woke up to the sound of the bus stopping. She looked out of the window to see that she was completely surrounded by trees. She saw that everyone else was standing up to leave and decided to do the same thing. She stood up and walked behind ace.

The teachers told everyone one to stand next to their partners and follow the people in front. Ace and Sylvia were last in line. She followed her classmates silently as the continued walking farther into the woods. She could hear the busses driving away leaving the student and teachers.

Sylvia wanted to know where everyone was going and contemplating whether she should ask ace, But She decided against it and told herself that she will know when she arrives.

After two hours of walking, the teachers decided to stop and set camp at an open spot that they found.

"I want everyone that are partners to come and get their tents."

She heard one of her teachers say. She didn't like the idea of her sleeping in the same tent as ace. She was scared of what ace might do.

"I advise you go get the tent and I'll find a spot to put the tent"

Sylvia complies to ace without another word. She went up to her teacher and asked if she could have a tent.

"Mr Ryker? I was wondering if I could have a separate tent. I'm not really comfortable about sleeping next to my partner."

Sylvia looked up at the teacher, waiting for his answer. She knew that the answer would be a 'no' but it wouldn't hurt to try. The teacher answered back with a sympathetic look on his face

"I'm sorry dear, your going to have to suck it up. We only have one tent for every two people"

She walked with the tent in her hand. Thinking how she will survive with ace being in the same tent as her. She saw ace look at her with a fierce look

"What took you so fucking long?"

She decided not to answer and handed him the tent. Ace took the tent and asked with a smirk on his ugly face

"Well, are you going to help? Or are you going to just stand there like a bitch?"

"You know I don't bite unless you want me to"

Ace said flirtatiously and winked at Sylvia. Sylvia stayed quite but mentally cringed at his flirtatious ways.

She walked to ace to help him set up the tent. She wondered where the blankets were and decided to ask ace

"Hey...uhm....ace? Where are the blankets?"

Ace turned to her and said

"I have only one blanket for myself. Why the fuck did you not bring one? you were required to bring one."

She didn't know what to do. She knows that her uncle didn't put a blanket inside the duffel bag because she checked. Sylvia then thought 'then I guess I'll sleep without a blanket then'

After 20 minutes of struggling both of them managed to put the tent together. Sylvia looked at the tent and realized how small the tent was. This tent was only supposed to fit one person init. She then wondered how ace was going to fit in this small tent. Ace was around 6'4 while Sylvia was only 5'3.

It was getting dark and the teachers had announced that everyone needed to go in their tents and sleep. Both Ace and Sylvia went into their tent. While Sylvia slipped inside the tent pretty easily, ace had trouble getting in, which led to Sylvia letting out a giggle. Sylvia immediately stopped herself and looked up to see an angry ace. She decided to say sorry and help him in.

"I'm sorry for laughing. Here let me help you."

Sylvia went on her knees to pull ace in which resulted in ace falling on top of Sylvia. His face was buried in her double D boobs. Sylvia quickly pushes ace to the side with full force.

"I didn't know you have big tits. You know it's going to be better if you take that hoodie off."

Sylvia was shocked and embarrassed that ace had said that to her. She just looked at him blankly and turned to sleep on her side since it was getting really late. She heard ace muttering something she couldn't really understand before turning to his side to sleep as well. 

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