Chapter 30. ♠

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Kelvin POV

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Kelvin POV

Okay, you know how at your regular school they divide the whole year into 3 halves making sure its 4 months in each half, so those 4 months in each half gets to represent the first second and 3rd term?. Well yea, its different here; there is no division at all. Everything is all together. There is no such thing as first, second or third term. That why what ever assignment test or project they give you will count and affect your final grade.

Instead of having to sit for 3 different exams on 3 different months of the year, you only get to do that once in one month of the year. So, you see all of this is slightly similar to the same principles in your regular high school abroad. The only difference here is ours had the Nigeria~ish aspect to it. We didn't have practicals; well except for the science and technical students whom practicals were compulsory. But for the rest of us, no practicals during exams.

I was currently in science class sitting two sits away from my darling Ella. As usual, she was writing away furiously racing against time as she tried to answer all required questions by the chemistry teacher. I was sitting there staring at her dreamingly as i fought to stay focused and remember some of the things I've been thought in Fine Art class.

How come an art student is writing his exam in a science class. Well for one I'm not the only art student here, Lydia is in this class as well as the rest where up front. The only reason why I ended up here was because they shuffled us so no two students from the same class or offering the same subject can sit close together. It's not like the management doesn't trust us enough to be honest with ourselves to write this exam without having to cheat, but its just that they don't trust us enough.

"Hey Romeo! quit drooling over Juliet, she is writing an exam and not stuck in a Castle"

One of the invigilators who caught me staring dreamily at Ella cautioned me. I blushed instantly as Ella caught my eyes just when I was about to look away. I smirked and winked at her before I looked for a clever way out of this because every one was chuckling at me.

"I was drooling, I was trying to remember something."

"hmmm hmmm says the guy face is red with embracement. "

Wow she is good! I though but I am better at witty comebacks and trash talking soo I said

"Urr No, that's because I was thinking too hard. "

I said before winking at Ella and a couple other girls who I caught drooling over me when I stretched flexing my muscles in the process. The very pissed off invigilator who looks to be in her early 20s glared at me before saying.

"How typical, stop slacking and start writing, you have less than an hour... Unless, you ain't smart enough to write more than a page"

She said with a fake smile and My face went rigid at her statement. I was smart I'm just having trouble remembering something. I flared my nose in anger as I glared at her. She was testing my intelligence because she was the assistant teacher to Mr
Geoffrey Oyinaka our fine art Teacher, the teacher for the exam I was currently writing. Not wanting to give in to her test, I Ignored her completely. I had actually finished both theory and objective. It was just one last question in the objective section I wanted to remember the answer to.

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ✔Where stories live. Discover now