Chapter 12. ♠️

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Emmanuella POV

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Emmanuella POV


I can't believe my beloved father has a mistress, hidden some where and we didn't know about it...

How long has he had her?
Maybe before I was born?

Urgh, this must be some sort of mistake.
My dad isn't a cheat, he won't break my mom's heart by cheating. There must be some sort of misunderstanding, isn't that right?
This must be some sort of prank, right?

But of course, it was no prank at all, I could hear my parents' argument from the back of the house, where my dad used to play basket ball. I was trying to perfect my basketball skills but it was useless, I was too upset about the news to think straight.

How could he???
Why would he do this to us?
Why would he do this to mom?

I groaned out loud, as I tried to make a basket from the 6 inches stood away, but it didn't enter the net. I growled, tried again, moved farther 12 inches but still didn't make any basket. I'm glad no one was here to watch, I guess Victoria wasn't wrong after all. I tried continuously from different angles, still nothing.

Panting heavily, I sat on the small coaches close by, to catch my breath under. It was rather hot, by this time. I gulped down the bottle of water I brought. I couldn't get my parents' argument off my mind.


Who really is this woman?
What went wrong?
When did all of this start?
Why is this even happening?
How did we are not know?
Hold on, he couldn't possible be doing all this to get a son?... Could he?

I couldn't imagine how hurt my mom was, heck I was so hurt I couldn't even make one basket. Its not like I would have made otherwise, I reminded myself.

... Was it because none of us could play? Could that be the reason he tried so hard to have a son?, who can play basketball just as good as him...

...Could it...

I shook off thoughts, those were impossible, I'll show my father I'm a basket baller, and will be as good as him. With that as my new drive, I got up stretched a bit, picked the ball and continued to practice. Making a basket this time around  was even tougher than conducting an experiment under 5 seconds.

Out of anger and frustrations, I threw the ball at the net, it bounced back and landed into Kelvin's room, some seconds later, I heard a small ouch, this made me realize the ball had hit him, I groaned mentally as I thought,

.... ugh!! So much for avoiding him....

As if on cue, he came downstairs, from his building opposite mine. He remained there, I knew he wanted to talk, I've been avoiding this ever so craftily.

Kelvin POV

It was a Sunday afternoon, the weather was particularly hot for the rainy season, but I didn't mind, I was to take a cool shower, once I was finished my literature assignment, I had memorize a poem by Shakespeare.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

I was caught up with my assignment that I didn't notice a ball flying through my open window. Before I could react, I had been hit on the head. Thank God for the chair I was able to fall on. I groaned at the impact, as I felt a short sharp pain in my head. My hands automatically went there and I whined in pain

"Ouch! "

Once the pain subsided, I noticed it was a basketball, I smiled and said to myself.

"Finally, another chance to talk to Emmanuella"

I happily took the ball, wore something more appropriate and went downstairs to meet her. I had seen her this morning when she came in, she looked really pale. I didn't want to give it much thought, since I figured it was probably fatigue.

That didn't seem the case the minute she came out 2hours later looking way worse than she went in. Something was bothering her, something really serious, she was practicing basketball and it looked terrible, as she wasn't even trying to make basket. Each time she did, she kept missing and it was quite disheartening to watch, from where I stood beside my window. And yes, you can call me a stalker if you want, but I wouldn't let anything happen to my beautiful angel.

"hey ", exhales softly

"Can I have my ball back, I'm not done practicing. "

"umm, my head is fine, thank you for asking... but if its okay with you, maybe I could help you practice"

I asked with hopeful eyes but her entire response broke me.

"urr no thanks, I'll pass. Besides I have better things to do than throw a ball into a net "

With that said, she left me to head in. I had no other choice than to leave her ball there and head back inside too. I couldn't concentrate on memorizing my poems again as my mind keep drifting to Emmanuella. Is it still because of what I can't remember happening 4 years ago or is there some new development? I gave up on the poem and went to stand besides my window hoping I could get a glimpse of her beauty but the sound of her parents yelling and arguing gave me a second thought..

What is going on??
Is that why Emmanuella looked and felt blue??
Is everything okay??

This thoughts still clouded my mind before I heard Emmanuella's sweet voice, she and her sister were going for a walk and maybe get ice cream afterwards. Just when I was about to stop listening and take my focus back to my poem, which was still on my reading table, I heard it loud and clear.

"I can't believe you had the guts to cheat on me. After everything we have been through!! "

And that was it, I knew I had passed my boundaries and heard too much, now I cannot 'unhear' what I had heard.

So that's why Emmanuella looked horrible


Hii guys I hope you like the conclusion of this chapter 😁😁😁 any way
We finally found out that out of nowhere Emmanuella's dad is cheating on her mom and apparently according to Kevin it doesn't sit well with her at all. It was pretty obviously right guys. Any way
The only one way to find out more, is by sticking around to see what happens next.

Pls pls and pls let's endeavour to

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