Chapter 9. ♠

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Image of Victoria in the media🖕🖕

Image of Victoria in the media🖕🖕

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Emmanuella POV

I have never been so devastated, sad and heartbroken my whole life. Well asides 4 years ago... I can't believe our principal could do this to me, seriously??? I'm the best science student this school has ever had! And now, because I violated one of the school rules, which prohibits 'fighting on school property' I'm no longer a participant, and no longer would represent our school in the national science tournament!! 

Its all Victoria's fault!!, I can't believe I used to consider her a close friend. How could she turn against me like that and so easily. Now because of her, I wouldn't live my dreams. It hurts though, but I'm just glad Victoria didn't try to ruin this for me last year, she would have regretted it big time. I would personally put her in a hospital bed where no one will ever find her.

Ever since the fight 2 weeks ago, my friends have been kept a close eye on me, to be sure I didn't go after Victoria,  not just for ruining my chances of being at the Science tournament, but for not being properly punished by the Principal. I mean detention!! Who freaking does that!! I was this close to matching right back into her office to demand some explanation and yell into her face.

This is Nigeria, Mrs Ogedegbe we don't give detention, we give suspension to both parties!! Not one gets detention because her father is the Commissioner for Housing in Lagos state and the other doesn't get to participate in the one thing she has read, half her holidays, lunch time and spare time for!!..
The national science tournament!!!

It was Friday afternoon and it was the last free period before closing time, as usual to get my mind of things, I was reading a novel, Faults In Our Starts for the 218th time. I've had this book from the very first open day I had in junior secondary school 1 (J. S. S 1) and it definitely has a place in my heart. I was at my desk in Science class reading Chapter 12 when Kelvin  showed up out of the blues, knocking my desk lightly.

It was then I noticed Mercy was no longer beside me, which also explains why I've been able to read my novel without disturbance. I wonder where she went though, I didn't want it to seem like I was neglecting her or something. I was pulled out of my thought by something Kelvin  said,  and this made me relax,  knowing she's in safe hands.

"Hey, its okay, she's with Lydia and the guys. They asked me to come fetch you but you don't have to chill with them if you don't want to"

I nodded in response,  taking focus back to my novel, as I really enjoyed Hazel Grace's character, few seconds later, he spoke up again and this time, I was forced to put the book down and give him a listening ear just this once.

"Hey... I don't mean to be rude or interrupt your reading session but can we talk? "

"Whatever is it about? "

"Us actually, you've been given me this cold shoulder ever since I got here. You wouldn't talk to me in school, you wouldn't talk to me at home. Heck, its like I don't even exist to you. What's wrong? "

"Well I'm glad you notice, because this is how its gonna be"

"Why? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Deserve??? You deserve way worse than this, after everything you did to me 4 years ago... Urgh I can't believe you don't remember. "

"4 years ago??? What are you talking about, what happened 4years ago"

"You really don't remember, do you? As expected... jerk "

"Hey, there is no need to call names, neither is there any harm reminding me"

"Remind you? No way, I'd rather kiss a baboon butt than remind you "


"You heard me, you can come back for a chat when you have your memory from 4years ago. Now if you would excuse me. "

I stood up with my novel and backpack before I left, leaving Kelvin to pounder on what I had said. I went to use the ladies' room before I went in search of Lydia and Mercy.

Kelvin  POV

I couldn't believe it, so that's why she's giving me cold shoulder. Something happened 4 years ago, but I can't remember, nothing was coming to mind, as I sat on Emmanuella's desk, alone in the science class. The more I kept thinking about it,  the more it hurt my brain. I tried to think again, this time harder but nothing was forthcoming, instead it was the piercing scream of a female that sliced though my thoughts. Immediately, I snapped out of it, as I recognized the owner of the voice

... Emmanuella ...

I dashed out of the class immediately, as I tried to traced it. I heard her scream again and this  time, a lot louder. Her screams caught the attention of a few people but they chose to ignore it, while I traced her screams to the abandoned Fine Arts lab before making my way in that direction. 

I rushed in, to find Chukuekene trying to force himself on Emmanuella. She kept screaming and trashing  around, trying to put as much distance between the two of them. Another piercing scream from her snapped out of the shock, I felt my blood boil when he said this,

"Hold still, will you? I just need a taste of you, sweetie, i don't want to bite you"

Breaking wood against the door, as rage clouded my judgement, I yelled,  before I charged for him saying

"Good! Because I do! "

He looked shocked that I caught him in the act, as he tried to play it smooth,  pretending like they were just having a chat or a screaming contest. I didn't let him explain, before I used the wood in my hand to hit him hard,  knocking him off his feet. This only caused  Emmanuella to scream louder and boy!!!, can she scream. Her screaming attracted the attention of fellow students who were before then, waiting for school to be over.

The fight was almost a bloody one, but thanks to the students who called the attention of a teacher to settle the fight, being the new student, I was given probation while Chukuekene was put on suspension for attempted sexual assault on a fellow student.

I didn't mind that I had to take the hit, as long as Emmanuella was fine, I felt at ease. I followed her home and nursed the little bruise she sustained on her flawless skin, from Chukuekene clawing at her flawless skin to make her stay put.

I even went as far as neglecting my own busted lips and swollen checks that i got from the fight,  just  to take care of her, through  out the weekend. I guess I could also thank whoever called the teacher, because if not for his presence at the nick of time, I'd probably be hospitalized by the time the fight was over.

... I know I promised myself and my parents that I wouldn't fight a guy over some girl but I couldn't help it,  this was Emmanuella. My Emmanuella

I wasn't fighting over her with some guy, I was fighting for her against a guy, there's a huge difference....

Awwwn would you look at that. Looks like Kelvin has more than just feeling for Emmanuella

Awwwn how touching 😍😍😍😍😍 but I guess its too bad he can't remember what happened 4years ago else maybe just maybe Emmanuella will give him the time of the day

Well only one way to find out, buy sticking around to see what happens next.

Pls pls and pls let's endeavour to

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