Bangs and Braxton Hicks

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The picture is to show how I imagine harmony looking btw... After how many chapters rip


Harmony was walking around her parents bedroom, and Scott was cleaning around the house. Mitch was just about to get into the shower, when his phone rang.


"Mitchie, I'm scared."

"Baby what's wrong, Kirst have you gone into labor?!"

"No! No... But these Braxton Hicks contractions are scaring me cause I'm giving birth in 11 days. And I'm bedridden."

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry. I haven't gotten Braxton Hicks surprisingly, so I'm kind of worried, but I know she's fine cause she likes to kick me." Mitch said and Kirstin nodded her head.

"Seven months isn't all that fun." Kirstin said, knowing how Mitch was feeling.

"None of them are all that fun." Mitch said honestly and she nodded her head.

"Mitchie what if something happens. These are my babies."

"They will be fine, baby girl. I promise you that. You're going to be a good mommy, ok?"

"I don't want to hurt or disappoint them. And I don't want to break my vagina." Kirstin whined more and Mitch laughed.

"I know, I can't help you there. All my children are given though C sections, so I would hate to be you."

"Did you get your period immediately after?"

"Yes. It's weird how my body works, honestly. Yes I did, and I know you will so be mindful of that. Just 11 more days, babe."

"11 more days."

They wrapped up the conversation and Mitch was ready to step into the shower when he saw Harmony with her messy hair and stained clothes.

"Harmony!" Mitch called and she looked at Mitch. "Do you want a shower, pretty girl?" She ran to Mitch and Mitch picked her up and took her into the bathroom. He undressed her and turned on the shower. He carried her and stepped in, Mitch placing them under the water in which she squealed and giggled at the water.

"Mama!" She giggled and Mitch smiled.

"Yes, princess? Do you like the water?"


"Say water." Mitch bounced her and she giggled more.

"Wawer!" She said and Mitch giggled and nodded his head.

"Close enough. C'mon let's get you cleaned." Mitch sat on the bench and placed her next to him. He gave her bath toys and dolls to play with, and Mitch washed her wavy, thick hair. "I want to give you bangs. You would look adorable!" Mitch muttered.

They were enjoying their shower time until someone knocked harshly on the door. Mitch kept his mouth shut and his eyes widened at he covered Harmony's mouth in instinct and let her stay behind him. The person barged in and he found out it was a panicked Scott.

"Babe-" Scott yelled but Mitch cut him off quickly.

"You scared the actual shit out of me, never fucking do that again!" Mitch yelled at him, opening the shower door so Mitch could look him dead in his eyes.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but I can't find Harmony!" Scott started to panic more and Mitch rolled his eyes. He set Harmony down on the shower floor near the door, where she ran out and went to her father. Mitch glared at Scott and Scott looked at his child, dumbfounded. "Im sorry for scaring you." Scott said lightly and Mitch giggled as Harmony whined and made grabby hands at Scott.

"Wawer dada!"

"No baby, I'm dressed. Go back to mommy."

"You don't want to join us?" Mitch questioned and Scott thought about it.


The whole family was showering together, Scott sitting on the door and rinsing Harmony's hair as Mitch was washing Scott's.

"Babe do you think she will look cute with bangs?"

"Yeah. She would look pretty adorable."

"So it's not only me. Maybe I'll cut bangs for her later."

"And with two pigtails, she will look so cute!"


They wrapped up their shower and Mitch took Scott's shorts and shirt to wear, and Scott put on a tank top and shorts. They put their daughter in a cute dress since it was hot out. Mitch and Scott moved out to chill in the backyard and Mitch really wanted cut her bangs.

Mitch went to go back into the house but he was stopped when he felt his lower stomach tighten, "ow!" Mitch yelped and Scott ran over to him. Scott sat Mitch down and looked at him panicked.

"What is it, baby? Should I call Beau, 911?"

"Beau. Braxton Hicks contractions." Mitch breathed out and "they hurt." Mitch whined and after a few more seconds, they stopped. Mitch calmed down and Scott called Beau, telling him what happened.

"Well it's good he finally got them. We can schedule appointments so I can check on her, but I have a good feeling she's healthy."

"So do I. Thanks Beau."

They scheduled some appointment and hung up and Mitch came back with scissors. Mitch made Harmony sit on the picnic table and he sat on the bench and combed out her hair.

"Look at this kids hair!" Mitch said smiling. Hair hair was straight at the top but towards the ends it would curl a bit, like Mitch's. When Mitch parted her hair, he made her stay still and put two ponytails in her hair. He then brushed the hair out and started cutting. When he was done, he gasped and smiled. 

"Babe! Come look at this pretty girl's hair!" Mitch smiled and cleaned up Harmony, Turning her so Scott could see her.

"Awe, she looks so cute!" Scott said, pulling out his phone. She smiled and Scott cooed at her and took a video, just showing her off. "Good job baby." Scott smiled and kissed Mitch's cheek.

"Thanks baby daddy. Pool or hot tub?"

"Why not both?" Scott smirked and Mitch grinned at him. They all changed into swim trunks and put Harmony in a swimsuit and floaty, and they spent their day in the sun.

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