Ryan had given Andy quite a fright by running out the way he did. he melted into Rye's embrace, breathing in his scent as his head rested on the other boy's chest. "Please don't scare me like that again," Andy practically begged, his voice breaking whilst he spoke. Ryan took in a deep breath and ran his hands through Andy's hair.

"I promise." He said quietly. Andy looked up at the taller boy and a small smile crept onto his face. He hummed, making Ryan smile back at him.  Ryan felt the horrible thoughts that he just kept pushing down, float away as the ashes do in the wind like all of his problems had been solved. The pair stood like that for a while, just resonating within each other hearts, until they had to pull away, making their way to the cracking pit in the centre, where food was being handed out to the rest of the pack.

That night, Ryan begged for Andy to not leave his side,  worried that if he did the wave for feelings would drown him once again. Lucky for him, the blond boy agreed with a small nod. He neither wanted to be absent of Ryan's even sounding breaths or musky scent. They rested in the stone cottage that Andy shared with his older brother. The house was small, but enough. With instinct as wild as they did, the wolves would rather be outside anyway, only actually residing inside to sleep. 

Ryan held Andy in his arms all night as if he was a toddler, scared to go to sleep without the safety of his favourite teddy because that teddy was what kept him safe. For the first time in a while, it was true; Ryan did feel safe. He had his boy, and that was all that he needed. 

They both slept like logs that night. A full eight hours, nice and refreshing. Ryan's mind was free from the grasps of night terrors, his grappling insecurity gone from attacking the ruthless imagination. When morning came, and the deep howl of the alpha awoke them, the only thing they felt was calm. 

Andy groaned into the fluffy pillow, turning around in Ryan's hold so he had his back on the werewolf's chest. Ryan chuckled to himself pulling Andy closer. "I know And. I want to stay here too, but we have work to do." Andy's cheeks blushed red as he heard the deep, growling undertone of Ryan's voice. 

Ryan sat up, yawning as he adjusted to the light that flowed through the semi-transparent curtains. The younger whined at the loss of contact, before sitting up himself. He got up steadily, the cold piercing his skin like tiny knives and he wished he was still under the warm covers, floating away into the land of dreams, but alas, the night had already been claimed by the sun. 

He wrapped his riding cloak around his half-naked body, lost at how his counterpart could walk around shirtless and not feel the cold that climbed up to his body. they both had a short shower, making sure they left enough water for Robbie who would already moan that his shower time was cut down by someone who could've used some different water. Ryan already knew what he would say. Solar power doesn't grow in trees, you know? And every time, Ryan would reply with the same sentence. Obviously! It grows from the sun! Which Robbie would scoff at and walk away slightly mad at his younger sibling. 

At breakfast, Andy and Ryan found out they were needed at different jobs. Andy felt a little disappointed, but nothing of what Ryan felt. He kept his hand on Andy's knee the whole time, their legs stuck together like it was held by glue. Sure, Andy felt like Ryan was being clingy, but he just thought he was making up for the day they had lost yesterday.

For both boys, the time dragged by slowly, their usually enjoyable tasks feeling monotonous. It could've been worse for Andy, though. At least he had Sonny with him, making him giggle at the stupid commentary he provided whilst they worked. However, for Ryan, being with Mikey didn't raise his spirits at all. 

Mikey was on such a high after he had finally mated his girlfriend Kala and they had found that they were already expecting two little cubs. His smile was so wide with adoration that he felt as if he wanted to strangle the man to get rid of it. It made him Jealous because he wanted that for him and Andy. Of course, he knew that it would never work. Wolves and whisperers can never be together. Everyone knew that- it's what they had been taught since they were cubs. 

He wished he could ask the moon- beg it to take his wolf and let him have the boy, just like the first one, but he was afraid that the moon wouldn't listen.


He kept the vial In his pocket for two days after that. Every time his hand would brush up against it, his breath would become shakey and his fingers would tremor. In his heart, he knew it was wrong. He hated himself for having these thoughts, but it was as if the angel on his shoulder was damaged. It couldn't help him now. 

Could It? 


Ryan put on a poker face, listening to every comment that Mikey made, watching his eyes glow with such excitement he had only experienced at the happiest of times. Andy made him happy- so happy. like he wanted to hold his waist tight and squeeze him until he exploded. 

He tried to speed through his job as quickly as he could, hoping that Andy was doing the same, so they could both be done, and they could be back together as fast as possible. He wanted to return the blond boy into his arms as soon as possible. Ryan told himself that he needed to keep Andy safe and out of harm's way, but that wasn't the truth, not really. Andy made Ryan feel safe. He would do anything and everything for that boy.

Anything and everything.

His riding hood//RandyWhere stories live. Discover now