trigger warnings: although I have stated trigger warnings in the description of this book, I didn't say that there would be mentions of suicide, as that isn't what I intended to write about, however things turned out in this way, so caution to people who are triggered by suicide.

I'd also like to mention I fixed a mistake In the last chapter, where It said that he can mate with a whisperer instead of can't like it should of, so sorry for the confusion. If you see any more mistakes, it would be really helpful to point them out.

And the last thing, this book is ending fairly shortly, so I've decided to write another Randy book. If you're interested, I'll post information once I have all the details figured out. 

Anyways, Enjoy! 

"Why do I always do this." Ryan angrily questioned to no one in particular. He had tears spilling from his eyes and a hysterical smile on his face. He felt like a psychopath. Hell, he even believed it himself. He shuffled slightly of the tree branch he was perched on. He had run for miles and was far away from any civilisation before he decided that it might be a good time to stop. The dense forest hid him from other wolves well. He knew this wasn't his territory and it was foolish to venture here as the wolves weren't as friendly as those surrounding his territory. He didn't care. 

He could smell an unfamiliar scent approach his tree. At this point, he knew he should flee, but he didn't care. Not any more.  The secret couldn't come out. The wolf below him let out a deep growl. Ryan chuckled in response, looking up to the branches that masked the sky. The wolf growled again, defensively. "Come and kill me then," He suggested, still hysterical. "It'd be better for everyone." Ryan could sense the wolf below him back off a bit, realising that he wasn't really a threat. He sighed heavily, as a familiar face wandered through his mind. Andy. 

He thought of his sparkling green eyes which danced in the light and the way his smile played on his lips when they touched. Ryan closed his eyes, imagining the soft hum of his voice as they lay together in bed, their bodies interlocking like two puzzle pieces; perfect for each other and made to be. And then he thought back on Robbie's words.  "You know you can't mate with a whisperer."  His body let out to his wolf instinct and howled- his voice full of pain and longing, wishing the moon to solve his problems. 

Never had Ryan even though to look at Andy in that way, but now Robbie had mentioned it, he realised that brother was right. Older and wiser. Although it helped him release some of his pent up emotions, the howl left him physically exhausted. He let his eyes droop for just a moment, but couldn't withhold the temptation to just fall asleep right there. 


Andy wasn't allowed into the lab when they arrived. Instead, his mother sent him off to explore with the younger girl he met yesterday, who he now knew as Nora. "I know you are fascinated with this place," He smiled, gesturing to the busy street in front of her. Andy nodded, looking around excited. "Do you want to go to the cinema?" she asked. Andy looked at her confused. He had never heard of such a thing, but then again he had never seen a microscope until yesterday, either. 

"What is the cinema?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. 

The girl had a mischievous grin on her face, as she grabbed red riding's hand and started pulling him across the path. "Let me show you!" she said.

The pair weaved between the crowds, navigated by the girl who seemed overly excited at the simple prospect of the cinema, whatever it was. When she finally slowed down, they were outside a building with large glass doors slung wide open. "Come on," Nora gestured, walking in. 

Andy followed after her, immediately amazed at the spacious room. It took him a second to adjust to the loudness of the music which flowed through hidden speakers, which made his company have second thoughts about the idea, but it was too late now. Andy looked up, seeing his reflection on the ceiling staring down at him. "You've never seen a mirror either?" Nora asked him, catching his attention. 

Andy shook his head "Mirrors go on the wall, why is it up there?" He questioned. The city was a very confusing place, he decided. 

"It makes the room feel bigger," The girl explained as she pulled him over to the counter where a blonde teenager stood with a bored look on his face. " What can I getcha?" He asked, his voice almost monotone. 

"Two sweet popcorns please!" She replied, so excited that she might as well be bouncing off the walls. 


"what did you find?" Mrs Fowler found herself in the lab once again, this time only with the scientist and one wolf. Her voice was stern and impatient as she asked her question. 

"Well," The scientist began, handing his report to her. "The poisons found in the body do match two of the samples that you brought me." he relayed the information professionally, just like he had been taught. "My guess is that It was a mixture of the two purposefully put together to make a lethal mix."

"So you're saying she was poisoned?" Mrs Fowler inferred. 

The scientist nodded. "You may want to investigate the loyalty of your healers, Is all i'm foing to say."

His riding hood//RandyWhere stories live. Discover now