Rye finished up long before Andy did, much to his disappointment. His impatience was getting to him as he drummed his fingers on the log which he was perched on, wishing he had something to do. 

For a little while, he toyed with the idea of going out for a run- a hobby that he and Mikey particularly enjoyed engaging in together, however, he wanted to be there when Red Riding Hood arrived back, so in the end, he just sat watching the cubs play around him, and engaged in conversation with whoever passed by every now and again, and when Andy finally arrived back, he was immediately engulfed in a hug from the overly clingy wolf, but Andy didn't mind. 

Andy placed his head on Ryan's chest and closed his eyes, breathing in the wolf's scent. He smiled when Ryan narrated how much he had missed him, and how he wished that Andy could stay in his arms forever, to wich Andy hummed in agreement. "I missed you too." He replied simply. Ryan's hands were threaded through Andy's blond locks, stroking his scalp in a way that soothed both of them. 

They stood like that for a while, just basking in their love and desire to be close, neither boy wanting to let go, however, in the end, they had to pull apart. They still stood close together, watching as the light began to fade, and how the fire danced around Andy's mother who was turning game which rested above. 

The food wasn't as nice here than at the lodge, but it was unusual to have three professional chefs stumble into the forest, so they were just lucky to have such good food on offer. Nobody really seemed to mind how their food tasted anyway- it was just food after all. 

When they had finished eating an announcement was made. Blair stood up, clearing his throat and quieting everyone down. Being well respected and having a voice that carried at a great distance meant that he was usually the one who made the important announcements for the pack leader. 

everyone quieted down quickly, waiting to hear what he had to say.  "We have just had some news from a wolf in the city." He announced, pacing across the circle, but keeping his distance from the firepit which had become smaller, but still crackled and left embers floating in the air. "There is some urgent business that both whisperers have to attend to, and will be departing soon. All cubs must stay at the lodge tonight" 

Andy had a clear look of confusion on his face. Why had he not been informed about this before the decision had been made? Ryan was also devastated. He needed Andy. He had to be close- to touch him- hold him, or he was certain he would lose his mind. "I don't want you to go Andy," Ryan admitted sheepishly when the conversation around them resumed. 

Andy nodded. "I don't want to go either, Rye." He looked down to his boots and fiddled with the material that lined the sweater he was wearing. Ryan placed his hand on Andy's knee, causing the blond to look up. Their eyes met, and Andy swore that he saw a hint of fear flash across his devastated expression.

"I promise I'll wait for you," Andy placed his hand onto of Ryan's and squeezed it tight in reply to what he had just said.

"I promise I'll come back." Red Riding hood Said. As much as he wished he could stay and wait for Ryan's response, he knew his mother was waiting for him. He smiled and gave Ryan a small nod, before standing up and scurrying towards the awaiting group of people. 

Ryan watched as Andy was handed his riding cloak which he slung loosely around his shoulders, and walked among the group until they disappeared in the cluster of wildlife which masked the settlement.  Ryan let out a shaky breath, the panic instantly rising in his chest. as his heart pounded in his chest and he listened to the music which began to sound too loud to enjoy, all he could think about was how he could keep his secret at bay with his distraction gone.

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