
403 22 18

Prussia pov


I walked through the woods kicking the dirt every so often. How dare Hungary hit me in the head. 'I vas only trying to help her down not my faultt that she fell on me.' I think I'll go and talk to vest about this.

~awesome time skip~

I finally got to vests' house only to be almost ran over by a girl with really pale blonde hair pale skin and red eyes. We fall back and she lands on top of me I look up at her. She blushes and scrambles to get off of me, but I flip us so she is under zhe awesome me.

"Let me up, now zhe awesome me needs to get up.." she says

I look at her like she was a gift from above "so frauline vhat is your name"

"Prussia, now get off of me your heavy"

I looked at her like she was crazyx but then I noticed other stuff such as. Not only did she look like me she was dressed like me. "Ok very funny vest playing a trick on zhe awesome me now really frau what's your name and dont say Prussia because I'm Prussia"

We glared at each other and then I stood up and put out my hand to help her up. "Ok now lets go talk to vest " she takes my hand and we walk into the house

~~~~~~~~~~♡♥author note★☆~~~~~~~~~

Ok guys what do you think should I continue or what please message me or comment what you think thanks


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