Part 11

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The episode opens with an aerial view of Republic City filled with several Equalist airships. The camera pans down to a shot of City Hall, with Equalist airships and mecha tanks around it. Hiroshi Sato is standing on the front steps, addressing a large crowd.

Hiroshi Sato: It is a glorious day, my Equalist brothers and sisters! Amon has torn down the tyrannical bending government! (Cut to an aerial shot of the Pro-bending Arena with mecha tanks around it.) He has declared bending illegal, (Cut to Aang Memorial Island and the statue of Aang wearing a large Amon mask; Equalist banners are from Aang's staff. The camera zooms out to show that the island is covered in fog.) and he has the Avatar on the run. (Cut to Hiroshi Sato speaking.) Our great leader has a vision for the future. One day soon, bending will no longer exist and we will live in a world where everyone is finally equal! The United Forces are on their way right now to try and stop that dream. But we will prevail!

The crowd cheers loudly in response. Near the back, two chi-blockers look at each other, one male, the other female, before they turn and walk away. They push aside a clump of bushes in Republic City Park and enter a small clearing with a large rock in the center. One earthbends the rock aside, revealing a hole, and both jump inside as the rock slides back over.

Cut to the chi-blockers, who have removed their masks and revealed themselves to be Korra, Mako, Y/n, and Varron, walking down a dim hallway.

Korra: [Angrily.] Can you believe Hiroshi?! "The Avatar's on the run". I'm not running from anyone! Let's go back up there and knock some heads; they'll never know what hit 'em. [Turns to go back to do that.]
Mako: Relax. General Iroh's coming with an entire fleet of battleships. Then Amon will be the one who's running.
Korra: [Frowns.] I hate this "being patient" stuff. [Both turn and walk on.]

Cut to Asami and Bolin, who are sitting on crates. Asami is watching in amusement as Bolin plays with Pabu. She glares as she hears Korra, Mako, Y/n, and Varron approaching, before she and Bolin stand up and walk over to greet them.

Asami: [Suspiciously.] You four were gone a while.
Mako: [Looking annoyed.] We were doing reconnaissance.
Asami: [Irritably.] Whatever.

Gommu: [Gets in between the two groups. To Korra, Mako, Y/n, and Varron.] Welcome back! Hope you worked up an appetite, 'cause dinner is served.

Cut to Gommu stirring a pot of stew and pouring some into a dish.

Korra: Thanks so much for letting us hide out with you the past few days.

Cut to Korra, Mako, Y/n, Varron, Gommu, Bolin, and Asami sitting at a table. Mako and Asami hold bowls of stew.

Gommu: [Hands a bowl of stew to Korra.] Honored to oblige. [Gives a bowl to Bolin and fills it with stew.] My associates and I heartily oppose Amon's so-called "Equalist" policies. [Cut to a view of the alley.] We got benders and nonbenders living together down here, but do you see us fightin'? [Cut to Gommu, who wraps his arms around himself.] No siree; we've figured out how to harmoniously co-exist.

Bolin: You are a wise and noble hobo. [Eats some stew.] Mmmm. This is the best-tasting street gruel I've ever had. Seriously!

Gommu: I culled it from the finest dumpsters the city has to offer!

Y/n: [Grinning.] Dumpster diving for dinner? Well, that's one way to make the most of your resources.

Varron: [Smirks.] Yeah, I'll stick to bending rocks, but you can keep the dumpster delicacies.

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