Communication orb

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No one's p.o.v

Leo, Raph and Mikey are on the couch as they watch tv, Louisa, Baxter and Donnie are in the lab as the two smart ones try working on the Turtle-Mech. Louisa groans as she sits upside down in the spinny chair saying "I'm soooo bored you guys. I just want to bash some heads in, we haven't got to do anything since April got took from that ghost." Baxter and Donnie just ignored her, so she scoffs and stands up, skating around the lab in her boredom. Ever since she had that elemental fight with the guys, she's been itching for a chance to use her powers.

If she doesn't use them, then she doesn't feel good, so as she skates around, she notices Mikey walking in with a VHS tape in hand. "Donnie or Baxterrr... can you fix this??" Mikey asks, almost slipping on ice that Louisa forgot to melt. Baxter groans and grabs his head as Donnie slams his fist on the table, Mikey flinched and walked away. Louisa noticed where he was walking and tried to stop him, but Mikey screams at the big piece of metal. He fell back because of the ice, so Louisa makes him stand up as he screams at the metal hand.

"Monster hand! Monster hand!!" Mikey yells while pointing at it, but Baxter just says "that'ssss jusst part of the Turtle-mech we've been working on." Mikey walks back with the help of Louisa as she melts her ice "woah, it must be huge" Mikey says shocked. Donnie then says "yeah, so huge that we can't find a power source for it, if I could just.. get it... working!" He hit the desk again. At that point the portable portal falls to the floor, but before Louisa could grab it.... it activates itself. Raph then yells as he and Leo run in "what did Mikey do?!" Making Louisa say "he didn't do it."

Mikey nods his head as Leo asks "what is that??" Making everyone notice the pink smoke coming through the portal, so Baxter looks at the computer. "It's Kraang atmosssphere" Baxter says as he and Donnie grab filtration units for the group. "Here, filtration units.... they'll allow us to breathe it safely" Donnie says as they all hook the filtration unit to themselves. Louisa was the one to say "guys.... I think this goes to Dimension X" Donnie nods his head "I was thinking that too." Leo then asks "where the Kraang come from??" Donnie and Louisa both say "yes, it-" they got interrupted by the communication orb.

"T-Turtles" "Leatherhead" Mikey says happily as he sees Leatherhead's image on the orb, but Raph says "shh! He's saying something." The six listen in on Leatherhead's words "Turtles, the Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to-" that's where the message ends since he got caught "oh no, they got him! He needs our help." Mikey started to nervously have his finger in his mouth so he wouldn't freak out more than he already is. Louisa puts a hand on his shoulder as she says "he must be in Dimension X, as soon as the portal opened it activated the orb."

Mikey looks at the three smart people in the room asking "can the orb tell us where he is??" Baxter puts a hand to his chin saying "maybe. If we can-" but Mikey heard 'maybe' and tried to find out the info the Raph way... by that I mean beating up the orb. "Mikey!" The dudes yell at Mikey, but Louisa tried to save the orb before Mikey could break it. "Where's Leatherhead? Where is he?!" Mikey asks as Louisa grabbed the orb.... now it's broken. Mikey's bros yell at him "Mikey!" Then the two older bros make Mikey sit down in the spinny chair.

Donnie and Baxter examine the orb as Baxter says "we can fixxx this, but it make take a while" Donnie nods his head as they continue to examine it. Leo then says "okay, we need to come up with a plan" Mikey was happy at that "yeah!" But that triggered Raph and Leo. "Part one is: Mikey stays here" Leo says while pointing at Mikey, which made him upset. "What, why??" Mikey asks while looking up at his bros sadly, so Leo answers "you've been messing up too much lately. We can't take the chance" Louisa looks at Mikey as the others were talking about the orb and fixing it.

Louisa knew where this was going when she heard Mikey say "Leatherhead", so she smiles and puts a hand on his shoulder saying "I'm with ya all the way, Mikey." Mikey smiles and grabs her three-fingered hand in his as they both stand up and run into the portal. "Mikey!" The bros yelled, but Baxter noticed Louisa with him "Louisssa??" Baxter asks confused. Louisa and Mikey felt like it was taking the guys forever as they were in there, so they went searching for Leatherhead. Even though to the guys and Baxter it only felt like five seconds, it was basically hours to months for the two.

They learned a lot about Dimension X, Mikey even made them disguises.... or in other words, cool outfits for the two as they're in here. After a while Mikey and Louisa were basically the Earthlings who own Dimension X. They learned whatever they could learn while being there, but every time they looked up at what's supposed to be the sun.... it made Louisa sad. It somehow reminded her of Donnie, so when the turtles and Baxter got their attention, Louisa smiled big. "Mikey! They're here!" Louisa says and grabs the little worm thing to shot it around Donnie, pulling him towards them.

Mikey got Raph, Louisa got Baxter, but last second Mikey saved Leo from the monster, so Louisa smiles and helps the guys up "it's great to see you guys again." "Stay away from my brothers and friend!" Mikey says while being in ninja mode, which makes Louisa smile. Louisa started to scream, which hurt the monsters ears, so Mikey threw the bang rocks at it. "Buzz off Rocktopus!" Mikey yells and throws the bang rocks at the Rocktopus. As Mikey threw the bang rocks, Louisa flies up with her ice powers and kicks the cute part of the creature.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


2012 TMNT Into Dimension X (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now