Louisa's p.o.v
I smile and look back at the guys, they run over to us saying "you're okay!" My smile only grows as I finally get to hear his voice again. "We were worried about you!" Leo and Baxter say together, Baxter put his hand on my shoulder as Leo puts his on Mikey's shoulder. That kind of triggered me "what took you so long??" Mikey nods his head "yeah, we've been here for months." Leo looks at us confused "'months'??" I nod my head as I lift up my mask as my tears flow a bit. "Yeah! Or... maybe a few hours, my phone died after two hours" I say and look down, but they were still shocked.
Raph was glaring at us as he says "but we went through the portal, like, fifteen seconds behind you" "obviously, time passes faster here than in our own dimension." I smile and pull my mask back down as Baxter says "there'sss a temporal differential." Mikey then says "I love tempura!" I smile at the sound of him sounding dumb again, seeing Mikey serious is shocking. The sound of that Rocktopus got my attention, so I scream at it again to make it go away. Donnie turns around to see it move, so I smile and grab his wrist "wait, how did you-" "no time to explain."
I nod at Mikey's words and look at the shortage of bang rocks he has "let's get moving, that thing's gonna keep coming back, and we got to rescue Leatherhead. Mikey, we have to stock up on bang rocks" Mikey nods once and goes towards the crystal tree. "Mikey, be careful!" Donnie says, so I rub my thumb against his knuckles "let him do this, we know what we're doing." Mikey got the bang crystals easily, making Baxter ask "how did you do that??" I smile at that. "A lot of stuff around here responds to sound" I explain as Mikey jumps down and in front of us.
We both bend over to grab the weird little things and hand one to each of the newbies here "what're supposed to do with these??" Leo asks us. Letting Mikey explain this, he doesn't give them much of a good example... since all four of them crashed. I laugh a little as I kept up with Mikey "wow! How'd you know how these bug-things work?" Raph asks. "It just seemed sort of obvious" I say as we shake the beings a bit, the four of them stand up. "Mikeyyy, you're like a geniusss here!" Baxter says happily, making Raph nod his head.
Mikey just says "hey, in crazy backwards land" I smile and say "crazy backwards dude: is king" Donnie then points at me confused. "Then how do you know what's happening??" Donnie and Leo ask sounding really confused. I smirk and adjust my mask "it helped when I tapped into my childish side, no one really let's me. So if I wanted friends, I hid that part of me.... here with Mikey... I'm basically the queen of crazy backwards land." Mikey nods and we high five at the words, but Mikey starts eating the green stuff again.
A chill went down my spine "they're tasty too" Mikey says, so I stick out my tongue as I say "you learn to get used to it after a while. It's disgusting to look at, but when you're starved and nothing else is around... green goo is what you get." We head towards the Kraang's hideout place in Dimension X, the guys in stealth, me and Mikey Spiderman way. "Okay, there's good news" "and bad news" Mikey finishes that sentence for me, so Baxter says "good newsss first." I sigh and say "there's thousands of Kraang droids in there" Leo rolls his eyes "he said good news."
We backflip a bit and land saying "I know, that's the bad news" we see Trag and Granitor, they shoot their blue fire and lava quickly. "I got this-" Mikey got interrupted by Leo "Donnie and Baxter: right, Raph left!" I groan as Mikey says "wrong." With that I promised myself I wouldn't ever try this, but now I don't have a choice "Mikey, I'm going in." "Louisa, no!!" Mikey yells scared for me, but the guys didn't give us much of a choice for this. I breathe in and out as I start building my ice person again, who's only been used once.
Once it's built up around me I smirk at the annoyed looking Trag that's holding Leo "put him down!" I yell and throw a punch at his face. Leo got dropped to the ground, so I catch him and set him down "stay low" I say as Mikey throws bang rocks. I punch and kick at Granitor and Traag, which wasn't easy... until Mikey screamed and they fell. Breaking free from my ice warrior I look at the guys and glare at each and every one of them. "That was reckless! I don't even know where to begin right now!" I yell at the four dudes angered.
Mikey puts a hand on my shoulder, I look up at him to see the look he has.... I sigh as we both say "let's move" almost everyone followed Mikey. The only one's who didn't was Leo and me, so I look at him saying "come on Leo, we gots to go." Leo just ignored my comment and says "sst... I say that" I laugh a little, which got his attention. "You can be jealous later, come on" I say and pull him by his wrist, but he looks at me shocked. "How'd you do that-" "you mean my ice warrior?? I'll tell the story when this is all over."
Leo smiles softly and nods once, so we finally caught up with the group, we infiltrate the weird looking building, but Mikey looks down a hall. I do too, but we go away quickly as the Kraangbot almost seen us, that's when Leo was about to unsheath his katanas. Putting my hand on his shoulder I shake my head and look towards Mikey, we nod once. Then with the weird bug creatures we use them to get the Kraang out of the robots and knock them out. Baxter just says "sssmooth" as we look into a window on a door seeing Kraang with a tree.
Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!
2012 TMNT Into Dimension X (including a new character)
FanfictionJust like always, this is me in the episode, just to say - I don't own the show or characters, only thing I own is myself. Thank you for the people who read my stories!~