Part 2, chapter 12

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-I love you ! I scream to the thousands of fans in front of me.

I look at them, their flashlights balancing from left to right. I can see some faces smiling, some girls crying, I hear them screaming my name and at that moment, my heart ignites. I feel happy, I feel free. Nothing can stop me! Look at me! I made it!

-I love you Boston ! I repeat.

Hold on. Boston ? Boston ! I almost forgot ! I internally face palm myself before grabbing the mic.

-Hey everyone ! I need you to do something for me, are you ready ?

-YEAAAAAAH ! Everyone screams.

-Great ! I know somewhere in the crowd is a small friend I met a few days ago. Her name is Sophie. Sophie, would you like to come on stage with me ?

I wait for a few seconds, wondering if she will come, when I see agitation in front of me... a spotlight moves towards the crowd, revealing a tiny girl with blond hair, running down the rows of seats. There she is ! A security guard leads her towards the stairs and she comes up on stage with me. I bend down and grab her hand. The way her eyes are sparkling makes my heart melt... She stares at me with her bright blue eyes, and at that moment, I know I'll never forget this little girl anymore.

-Hi Sophie, I say to her personnally. Happy Birthday !

-Thank you !! she says, hugging me tight.

I take her in my arms and lift her up, she is a light as a feather.

-OK, everyone. This is Sophie ! I say in the mic. Today is her birthday, she is turning seven! Would you sing happy birthday with me ?

« Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you ! Happy Birthday dear Sophie, Happy birthday to you !! » everyone sings. I cannot describe the magic of this moment. Everyone singing together for this little girl. Everything is perfect !

-Thank you ! Sophie squeaks in the mic after everyone finished singing, which lead to an excited scream of the public.

And when I put Sophie down, and let her go after one last hug, I realize how much I want to hold a little girl in my arms again... but I wonder if this will ever happen...

The bassist and drumer start to play again and the show continues...


the music drops and the spotlights fade away, the only lights left are the sparkling bracelets from my fans, and the only noise is their screams that bring me so much joy. Another show ends, and just as every time, I can't believe this just happened. I turn away and walk out of stage. Sweat is dripping off my face and my clothes are sticking to my skin. As I walk down the stairs, Laura hands me a water bottle that I drink straight and wipes my face with a clean towel. It feels good to take the sweat away. I look at the time and realize I am late. I had planned to call Maddi. I run towards my dressing room and open my laptop on skype before sending her a text :

« hey love, can I call you on skype ? »

I take off my shirt and wipe myself with a towel, I'll shower later. Behind me, everyone is busy taking off my makeup, preparing me clean clothes, but I don't mind. I just need to see Maddi's face. I don't know why... I can't help it. I should be helping my crew, but right now I need Maddi.

Why is she taking so long to respond ? We had planned this call. Maybe her phone is dead, or maybe she's finishing her work...

After a minute, my crew insists that I should get ready instead of staying bare chested in sweaty clothes, so I text Maddi and jump into the shower.

« I'll call you in 10 minutes my rose ».

I wash super quickly and rush out, my hair soaking wet and only a towel around my waist.

I open my phone and see a text from Maddi, but my heart sinks.

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