Back to Todoroki

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When we were done Kacchan carried me on his back downstairs as I was dreading the conversation with Todoroki though it's inevitable.

When we got downstairs we walked into Todoroki crying softly. I jumped down and ran over to Todoroki with Kacchan following behind me with a look of sympathy.

I hugged Todoroki and Kacchan joined in.

"Hey it's okay we're both here for you if there's anything you need then here's my number." Kacchan says reassuringly.

"Why are being so nice to me?"

"Because we have the same thing in common... we both want to protect Izuku. You're someone I have to get used to and warm up to if I wanna date him."


"Hey I'm just saying if you two are gonna be all bestie like I gotta step up on kindness."

Todoroki-Kun started laughing and it honestly took me by surprise. It took me at least a week to get Sho-Chan to warm up to me but It had only taken two days for Kacchan.

But I guess that's his charm.

Kacchan got up and left to go upstairs to our room. I walk over to Sho-Chan and gave him a hug.

"Hey talk to me."

"I just have a lot of stuff on my mind."

"Like. . .?"

"My father keeps texting me about all of the things I'm doing wrong in life and how I'm a screw up kid how I was supposed to turn out a prodigy, how I'm the reason mom's in the hospital!" He says crying.

I hug him tight rubbing circles on his back calming him down.


"Yes Shoto?"

"You're like a brother to me. I want to protect you even from heartbreak if I can prevent it I will. And if you want my honest opinion...I kinda trust Bakugou. He knows about me and I know that because he followed me on Instagram a while back. He knows who I am who my family is, but....he treats me like a normal person almost like a brother. You guys are like made for each other. Although he's a jackass so watch out I guess." He says chuckling.

I hug him and mess his hair up just to mess with him.

"I just wish I could've protected you." He says as I let him go.

"Sho-Chan it's okay. You're doing everything you can...thank you."

"I love you no homo." He said.

"Love you too no homo." I said giggling.

"So...i-is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes...yes there is."

"What is it?"

"Do you miss him."

"The more I see him the less I miss him."

He chuckled at my response.

"I mean sometimes but for the most part I know that I've found someone else. I love Kacchan but... being with him is just going too fast you know. I'm still recovering."

Sho was nodding understanding.

"Did you tell Bakugou how you feel." He asks.

I nodded.

"He says he understands. He said he'd be waiting for me, that he'll stay by my side." I say happily.

"That's good. He's a good guy I can tell." He says smirking at me.

"Y-yeah he is. He's already better than Haru."


"Yeah. I need me a mans like that." I say casually.

We started laughing hysterically probably as the memers would say loao laughing our asses off.

"Y-yeah that'd actually be nice though." I say sadly. Sure I'm happy for Midoriya but I want someone to make me as happy as Bakugou makes Midoriya.

"Hey what about Shinso?" He asks.

"Shinso?" I'm a little confused. Why he would he bring up Shinso?

"Yeah I see the way he looks at you." He says smirking at me.

I blushed and thought for a moment.

"Yeah he seems like a good option. Great in fact. But like you I need to chill out for a minute."

"Yeah I completely understand."

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