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Me and Deku have been officially dating the last couple of weeks and I plan to do something special for him tomorrow. Knowing Deku he consumes food...




That shit is fucking annoying. On one of our dates we went to an 'All you can eat buffet'. He could not stop eating. The bitch almost ate my damn wallet greedy ass. But not literally of course but Jesus fuck man my wallet had barely any money when we left. I had to step by at the house to get more money to continue our date.

I remember the day I broke the already shattered boy. Not on purpose of course you all saw how it went down! For once I'm innocent. Well do you remember the writing material and shit? Well I was drawing him with an undercut and glasses... SHUT UP OKAY DAMN!🤬 He was wearing the same outfit from when we went gift shopping and Hungry Hairy Haru kicked Deku's ass. Just different glasses. I didn't want him to see my creation mostly because I was embarrassed not that I'd admit that out loud.😳 So back to what I was saying I am making some food for Deku and for the love of God do not ask me how he stays so damn skinny. So I set an alarm for 6 am since it'll take about two to three hours to prepare.

I made 8 fluffy eggs by putting a half cup of milk in it. After that I made half crispy half flabby bacon. I then started making 5 slabs of pancakes for him and 2 for me. I had freshly picked out berries from our garden. We were trying that out and I was able to find ripe berries and put them in a big bowl under the faucet to wash. I but some freshly cut strawberries in the batter and started pancaking. Once the pancakes are crisp and ready I decorate them with raspberries, blueberries and banana slices. I set plates with the eggs bacon and pancakes. I cooked both the eggs and the bacon with onions. The difference between them was I left the onions in the eggs after soltaying the onions so when I threw them in the eggs they were caramelized but I only let the bacon suck up the onion flavor without soltaying them before discarding the onion. They were both evenly seasoned. I made white chocolate with the words I love you craved in them from scratch and placed them nicely on the plate. I then poured Aunt Jemima's syrup. (What is this Food Wars?) By the time I was done Deku came down groggy.

"Hey Kacchan." He said tiredly after yawning.

"Hey beautiful." I said walking up to him.

I lift his tired face and softly placed my lips against his. He immediately melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around my neck. When we pulled apart he looked around and his eyes widened in shock.

"Kacchan you did all of this for me?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah your plate is the ones with the chocolates." I said pointing at my masterpiece.

He skipped over to his plate excitedly and we started eating across from each other. When we were done eating all that was left was his chocolates. I reached over and started feeding him the chocolates.

He eats like a fucking squirrel.

It's fucking adorable.

He continued to munch cutely on them until the were all gone.

"Kacchan that was adorable!" He said excitedly.

" know what you were doing was cute is what you're saying?" I asked smirking.

"Huh?! What do you mean? I was talking about how you wrote I love you on the chocolates in cursive." He said confused.

"Oh. How'd you know I made them." I asked.

"They were hot but not melted as is they'd been made fresh out of the oven and they're completely solid." He mumbled out.

"Nice observation." I said leaning my head on my hand.

"But I still don't know what you mean about me being cute?" He asked for the second time genuinely confused.

"The way you were eating it was like a squirrel." I said.

I smirked at how flustered I made him.

"I love you too by the way." He whispered.

I smiled and pecked his adorably freckled nose.

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