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I was bewildered. "K-Kacchan..." I say trembling. I kneel down to him sniffling and it finally clicked. 'Someone was aiming for me....and Kacchan took the bullet for me.....Kacchan took the bullet for me.....' I thought. He pushed me out of the way and took it.

'The red dot on my chest....the panic....everything. Is this how it ends for him? He had so much to live for. That Melissa and Haru did this. They tried to kill me last night they've hurt Kacchan.' My hands were trembling and his blood soiled them. Medics came by quickly and I hopped in the truck with them as they operated on him.

They carefully extracted the bullet and I sigh sadly. I continued crying but it was calmer. I sniffled and wipe my tears sadly. "K-Kacchan...." I whisper crying. I hold his hand and felt his pale cold skin. I breathe shakily. "Kacchan I love you so much." I whisper and kiss his knuckles. "Oh god..." I whisper.

We arrive to the hospital and they rush him away. I follow behind dragging attention and paparazzi follows. There was cameras flashing in my face and mics all up on me as voices clashed together shouting at me. I haven't had an anxiety attack in years but in the state that I was in and Kacchan's condition, I was overly stressed. I started to breathe heavily but held back everything knowing that if Kacchan made it out alive and saw this he'd feel bad.

'Deku I'm sorry this is all my fault. I should've been there to help.' Damn it I can already hear his voice. I sigh and the nurses help me through blocking them.


Later on in Bakugou's friends and Todoroki could be found waiting outside his room. Midoriya was talking to a detective about the situation and how everything went down.

"Do you have any idea who could have done this? Any enemies?" The detective says. "Uh yes Melissa Reeds and Haru Sage. They tried to kill me last night but Katsuki stopped them." He says his voice wavering. "How come the police wasn't contacted?" The detective asks writing down notes.

"Melissa broke the only available phone and mine was dead. They were contacted but she stepped on it. We didn't have neighbors to turn to so we decided the next morning that we'd get a new phone for him. My injuries had been taken care of by Katsuki and I have a high pain tolerance so I'm able to walk." He says and she nods writing more. "What do they look like?" She asks and he describes them. "Thank you for your time. Here's my business card contact me an hour after he wakes up." She says. "Why an hour?" He asks. "So he can have time to adjust to his new situation." She says and he nods. "That makes sense. Thank you." I say and she nods. "Thank you again." She says and he smiles weakly going over to his friends.


"So hopefully they catch them...." I say and they nod. "Has anyone gotten word on his condition?" I ask and they shake their heads. "How are you feeling Izuku?" Todoroki asks as Denki hugs me close. "Like true and utter shit." I mutter. 

A nurse walks up to us. "Hello." The short male said and we looked over to him. "Y-Yes how is he? Is he okay?" Kirishima asks and the man backed up slightly. "Um he's doing okay his heartbeat is normal and his pulse isn't as faint." He says. "You can go see him now." He says and I run into is room.

I saw Kacchan hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor. I sit next to his bed and hold his hand. My face lit up when his now warmish hand held mine back. His eyes fluttered open and we made eye contact. I smile at him pathetically and he kisses my palm. "Hey baby" He says in a raspy tone.

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