Truth Or Dare..

877 22 27

• Slight Depictions of Gore (Dabi's Face Opens)
• Childhood Trauma (Shigaraki)
• Arguing

"Lets get this game started everyone."

Dabi's voice was raspy as he spoke but everyone crowded into a circle, Toga and Twice were laughing together about the pranks they were gonna make everyone do, as per usual. Speaking of as per usual.. Shigaraki was not happy about any of this. He, personally, would rather have died in a ditch then play one round of truth or dare with these absolute morons. It was gonna be fine though. Right?

"Oh oh! I wanna ask first! Please let me ask first!" Toga excitedly bounced around in the beanbag she chose to sit in. It was obvious she had something diabolical planned, but hey.. that's what villains do.

Shigaraki slowly looked up to her, his pale blue hair shifted out of his eyes as he grunted in annoyance from her over exclaimed excitement. "You can go first.. just stop being so fucking obnoxious.". Shigaraki said to her through a throaty tone. Toga clapped her hands together before she pointed at Kurogiri.

"Kuro! Truth or dare.."

"Truth I suppose."

"What does it feel like when people go through your portals? I mean if you are even able to feel anything at all."

Kurogiri paused for a moment thinking how to answer this question. "I suppose there isn't any specific feeling to it at all. It doesn't hurt nor does it feel good. You recall the feeling you get when you get a chill up your spine? It's something like that but not as surprising since it is expected."

Toga smiled happily and nodded. "I always guessed you just didn't feel anything at all. Okay Kuro you ask next!"

"Hm.. Dabi. Truth or dare?"

"Give me a dare I'm not a pussy."

"Alright. Uhm.. I dare you to detach your staples on one side of your mouth."

The whole room started making gross noises.

"Eww! That's absolutely disgusting- I do want to see though so do the dare." Twice went off on his own tangent about the dare.

"Gross gross.. doesn't that keep your mouth closed!" Toga gagged a bit but kept looking at Dabi wondering what it was like.

"I can't imagine the magic it takes for those staples to stay together in the first place." Mr. Compress spoke before he gagged as well not wanting to truly see what Dabi looked like with half his face open.

"Fine fine stop throwing fits you idiots. It isn't even that big of a deal." Dabi slowly moved his hands up as a few clicks could be heard. It sounded like a mix of staples snapping with hardened saliva being broken apart from each other. Shigaraki had his ears plugged as the sound was utterly so disgusting there was no way he would listen to this shit. When Dabi finished unclipping the staples, he turned his head to show everyone. The purple part of his face was de-attached from the rest of the cheek. It was drooping down and showed off half his jaw along with all his back teeth and gums.

"At leath you know I can bruth well enouth" Dabi said as he had a bit of a lisp without his cheek being closed. He quickly closed his face back up as more gagging, and even the sound of Mr. Compress throwing up, was heard from the back.

"That was absolutely disgusting! I will make sure to never dare you to do something like that ever again." Kurogiri said looking away a bit. "Your turn to ask Dabi."

"Damn right it is my turn. Hmm let's think about who I should ask. Hm Hm Hm."

"We already know you're gonna pick Tomura! Just ask already ass." Twice said wanting to see what kind of dare or truth Dabi would make up for their boss.

"Right. Tomuraaa, truth or dare."

"Ugh fuck. Truth."

"I wanna know why you scratch so much. Theres gross ass skin flakes all over your clothes and it's actually disgusting. Can't you just stop??"

Shigaraki's breath hitched for a moment as the whole room went silent. Only the slight sounds of Kurogiri's warps moving around could be heard. It was obvious Dabi caused some tension in the room but, he didn't care.

Next Part is a lot of talking so here:

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Well I just fucking said I didn't know god damn it, get it through your head."

"There's obviously a reason if it made you so pissy just now so just spill it"

"Dabi maybe you shouldn't be asking-"

"Shut the fuck up Toga. It was his truth he needs to answer"

"Don't yell at her Dabi.- Yeah dickhead just move on!"

"I don't want to answer the question"

"So there is a reason do you just not trust us?"

"Dabi you should stop. Tomura only trusts us in life he doesn't need to answer"

"Why is it that everyone in this fucking room knows what is going on BUT ME? This doesn't seem like something a team does?"

"Dabi you need to understand theres some things we can't tell each other-"

"No, it honestly seems that theres just some things you guys can tell everyone in this fucking house but me? I'm just as much of a member as Toga, but she seems to be getting more into this shit than I am"

"I found out the hard way about Shigaraki's scratching. You aren't kept in the dark none of us were even supposed to know!"


"That when I was a kid I was hit and scratched myself out of nervousness of getting hit again."

The whole room fell silent. Not even Dabi dared to speak about what he heard. His face turned a blueish-pale color as he held his breath a bit hearing that sentence.

"Why'd everyone go silent, why'd YOU go silent Dabi? Isn't that what you WANTED to hear? I did my truth." No one said another word after that. Shigaraki slowly stood up as he coughed a bit scratching the palm of his own hand.

"Have fun with your game. I think I'll be in my room for the night. It was fun." Shigaraki walked out of the room shutting the door.

Everyone just looked at each other and then Dabi spoke.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry, I guess."

"It's fine, you shouldn't be apologizing to us though. It's Shigaraki who should get your sorry."

"Was he serious though? You guys all knew he was beat as a kid but you didn't say anything? What did you do to his dad? His family didn't do anything either seeing their son as a villain?"

"His family isn't alive anymore. When Shigaraki got his quirk it went haywire. His quirk killed them all and after that it never worked the same again. We can't do anything if he already finished the job for us."

Everyone stood up and started walking out of the room. Dabi just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what to do with all this new information about his boss.

"Just try apologizing to him later. Think about stuff before you ask maybe." Toga said before leaving Dabi in the silent room alone.



As you can see I think things are a lot less cringe then they used to be because of the fact.. I'm two years older and now in highschool ☠️ Upload schedule will probably be Friday-Monday since I do have a life and it will be hard for me to keep up BUT.. I wont ever leave for two years again!

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, What will Dabi do now that he knows the secret of his boss and his past trauma? Keep reading to find out! Bye guys!

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