The Hunt - Ifora

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Somewhere in the British Isles, a young buck walked into a forest clearing. Summer nights were his favorite. Cool enough to not be hot, but he wouldn't have to dig through snow either. Little did he know that this would be his last.

A rustle in the bushes alerted the buck of something nearby. His ears perked up, listening, he looked for the source of the noise, ready to flee.

It was new moon, when the stars shone brightest. A glimmer of deep blue fur. The buck ran blindly, but was dead within a few seconds. It felt no pain.

The three creatures tenderly lifted the carcass, and carried him to the entrance of their den. The light from the glowing orb within it revealed three juvenile wolves, two males and a female.

The two males were too busy celebrating their fourth successful hunt to notice their sister mourning the dead deer. Ifora had always had a soft spot for the prey that had to die to feed their pack. 

Three more wolves came bounding out of the den. Their sisters, who hadn't wanted to join the hunt. Though all the packs of Astral Wolves had joined together years ago, and this deer would shortly become part of the group stockpile, the litter was, before the Joining, a pack. Ancient law stated that pack mates got first rights to the kill.

Ifora walked away from the others. She hated killing something innocent to benefit herself. She found her favorite berry bush, and began to eat.

Her sister Vilka silently padded over to her, her fur sparkling in the starlight. I know how you feel about prey, but you need to eat something substantial. Berries can't nourish you forever. And it's a night's travel to Starlight Peak for the Solstice Gathering tomorrow. You need your energy. 

Vilka always had the best advice. Reluctantly, she trotted back to the others with Vilka at her side. Thanks. I needed that.  she transmitted telepathically. 


After they had all eaten their fill, they began on their journey.

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