Chapter 3: Being There

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Present-day Storybrooke:

At night Emma Swan laid in bed with her lamp light dimmed, it was a crazy day. She had gotten stuck in an ice wall trying to coax the women Elsa out and that they would help her find her sister Anna. She still felt chills from the ice, bundled up in like a million blankets Emma clutched a stuffed dog with black spots. It stuck out to her when she was in her closet, searching for more blankets with Killian. She stared at it puzzled knowing deep down in her gut that it was special, all she knew was that when she stared at it she felt happy.

She shook the feeling and thoughts from her mind as she then put the dog on her bedside table, then quickly shut off the light. She had a busy day tomorrow.

In Storybrooke, a woman watched the scene on an enchanted mirror longing to reach out and help Emma remember. They said it would take time for her memories to come back, Ingrid longed for her sweet girl to remember.

They would be together again, she promised it everyday. She smiled as she watched her sleep peacefully, she had grown so much. Ingrid smiled as her eyes began to tear and dripped down onto her shirt.

"Goodnight, my sweet girl"

Minnesota in the past:

A week later Ingrid had requested Kevin be moved to a new home on the grounds that he was a danger to another foster child; Emma. After this happened Emma seemed to feel a little bit more comfortable since she showed up; however still shy at times and non trusting. Ingrid knew she had to find a way for the two of them to bond more.

It seemed fate was kind to her this time around.

One afternoon Ingrid had decided to pick up Emma after school ended, she walked through the school slowly knowing she had some time before Emma was done. She waited by the main office for Emma, looking around waiting she noticed something on the wall.

It was a poster of many for the school's sports, she noticed that there were other kids in the pictures looking to be having fun together. A thought then occurred to her, smiling she took a flyer and put it in her purse seeing that there were many more all over.

Later when they had gotten home Ingrid suddenly remembered about it and broached the subject to Emma while they were eating dinner.

"Hey, Em?"

"Hm?" Emma looked up at her name being called, she made eye contact with Ingrid who smiled as the girl slurped up a noodle from the chicken noodle soup she had made for dinner for everyone.

"I was thinking about something"


"How do feel about sports?"

The question took Emma by surprise. "Well, I used to play some soccer and baseball with other kids at other places. One time at a group home some of the kids in the winter played Hockey on the frozen lake in the town, it was pretty fun. Why?"

Ingrid smiled "Well I saw the sports flyers in your school and I was thinking it could be something for us to do together" Ingrid asked with a smile and hopeful eyes.

Emma heart fluttered thinking of the possibility to do something that the normal kids did with their parents. She never had that before and now she has someone who would want to do that with...

Emma smiled "Sounds good to me"

"Go Emma!" Ingrid shouted happily and loud as Emma dashed across the field kicking the soccer ball with ease followed by other girls trying to steal the ball back and some to help aid Emma in getting a goal.

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