Chapter 4: Regrets and Tears

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"Ingrid, thank you" Emma hugged her like her life depended on it, gripping on tight as if it wouldn't last. The little girl had tears on her cheeks, Ingrid gripped her tightly to her body hugging her back crying as well happy to have Emma in her life. "I love you Emma"

Emma murmured into Ingrid "Love you too"

Separating Ingrid cupped Emma's chin in her hand and looked her in the eyes warmly.

"I will always protect you, I promise" Ingrid wrapping Emma tightly in her arms, causing Emma to shake as memories of her terrors came to mind. For once, she actually believed it; she would protect her. She felt loved.

Something did not feel right, while sitting in her apartment. She had just seen Emma a second ago, she was beginning to worry for her. Those people had no idea, she just wished and hoped that Emma at least knew someone was there for her.

A second goes by and then as Ingrid headed over to her living room she froze as a feeling captivated her.

"Emma" she whispered into the distance, frozen with terror as she heard tires screech and a crash come from the street outside.

Glancing towards the window she saw flashes of bright red and blue lights going off and zip by in a hurry. Running over to her apartment window she glanced out to see someone lifted onto a stretcher; they had blonde hair she would recognize anywhere.

"No" she whispered as she ran grabbing her coat and in a daze towards the hospital as the ambulance took off towards it. In a blur people were panicking some were getting quickly into their cars heading where she was heading.

Ingrid and Emma were walking home at night time, both happy as can be. Emma finally had a place of belonging and what Ingrid had told her at carnival has change their lives for the better.

The cold chilled Emma as she smiled, Ingrid rubbed her arms hoping to help keep her warm. "It's nights like this I wish I had the power to poof home like Harry Potter" Emma said jokingly about the cold.

"If I was like him I would be standing here in the cold one minute and home soaking in the tub in the next" Ingrid smiled at the joke, then as she thought an idea came to Ingrid's mind.

"That would be something, wouldn't it?" Ingrid inquired causing Emma to smile. The rain had begun to fall through the night as the both of them reached cover under the bus stop benches which had a little roof.

"Emma?" causing Emma to look up. "Emma do you remember how much fun we had in the arcade last week?" she asked holding onto Emma's arms

"Of course, best time I've had in a long time. How could I forget?" Emma said excitedly remembering.

"And do you remember how the lights and the game flickered. Right before you won?"

"Yeah weird" Emma said wondering and dwelling.

Ingrid smiled "What if it was more than just wierd. What if it meant that you were on the cusp of a great self revelation?" Emma started to get confused on what Ingrid had meant trying to think.

"You think I have powers, like Harry Potter?" Emma exclaimed scared and worried.

Ingrid laughed before trying to reach out and reassure Emma "No Emma, that is you have is more real and more powerful than you can possibly imagine"

Emma as Ingrid spoke eyes began to tear and well up with tears. "I should have known" the sobs came in force at this point. "The only person who was willing to adopt me would be crazy, I shouldn't have been surprised. To think that someone would want me because of a crazy reason"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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