6- Carley's House

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I wake up to Carley cleaning the dishes, and the smell of chocolate cookies. I walk to the kitchen. Carley looks at me then gives me a hug. Her wet soapy water hands soaked into my shirt. I pull away due to the fact that I keep thinking about us and if we are actually a couple now. 

" Carley I just want to know if you're thinking the same as me," I say while pouring a glass of milk. 

" What do you mean Kane?, You mean us?" she says pausing in the sentence. 

" That's what I was asking," I say before taking a sip of my glass of milk. 

" You didn't really ask you just sort of made a statement," She says tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

" Well, are we?" I ask. 

"Are we what? together?" She says picking up a cookie from the plate sitting on the countertop. 

" That's what I was trying to ask" I look at her and then pick up a cookie. 

" Well, I thought we made it clear that we both love each other but if you don't want to be together then fine" She turns her back to me and starts to finish doing the dishes. 

I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She turns around and faces me. She pulls me closer to her. I look into her blue eyes and smile. She's the only girl who makes my face light up. 

" I didn't mean to make you feel like I don't want you," I say pushing a strand of hair back behind her ear.

" I'm sorry, sorry for getting offensive" she snuggles closer to my chest.

"It's okay, I can stay mad at you when I love you so much" I cup her cheek in my hands. 

" I love you too" she looks at me and smiles.

I love her smile, her blue eyes, the way she laughs, everything. I pull her into a kiss and all the things I've ever needed. She has the key to my heart. She is everything. She's perfect. I break the kiss and she smiles, the biggest smiles I've seen in years since her mom died. I feel my heart beat faster. She smiles and begins finishing the dishes. I leave the kitchen and put a movie on in the living room. I  sit there for a few minutes and she joins me. We snuggle and watch the movie for a while. Carley snuggles closer to me and we fall into a deep sleep. 

⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ Carley's Pov

I wake up still wrapped in Kane's arms. He looks at me and I can't help myself from smiling and blushing. He kisses my head. I get up to get ready for my day at school. I run to my room and change. Just a random pair of clothes. I throw on my tennis shoes and head downstairs.

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