17-Evacuation order.

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❤Kane pov 

I can't wait to be able to see her face. I hate sitting at home and listening to people tell me what to do and what not to. I text Kaylee to see what she's up to. 

Kane: Hey, what you up too

Kaylee: Nothing really just hanging with my GF

Kane: So You have a gf now..???

Kaylee: Yeah, Well I'll text you after class...

Kane: kk...

I sit alone at home with my dog across from me. His name is  Matt.

 His name is  Matt

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I turn the T.V on and turn the channel to the news. Fires fuck. I keep watching then realizes that school gets out in 5 minutes. I quickly change the channel and realizes that I have to evacuate. I quickly call my mom.

Mrs. Andy: " Hello"

Kane: "Mom we're being evacuated"

Mrs. Andy: " I'm on my way home right now, I'll be there in a few seconds. 

Kane: They want us to leave right now. 

Mrs. Andy: I know...


My mom arrives home and she starts to historically start pulling important paperwork and putting it in her duffel bag. I watch her since I can't do much. She hands me a bag and it full of clothes and random things. 

"Mom I cant carry all this¨ I say quietly almost mumbling.

¨ I know I'm just freaking out it's so close¨ She says while grabbing bathroom supplies. 

¨ Iĺl try to get some stuff to the car. ¨ I say while slowly getting up and grabbing the bag of clothes and shower stuff.

¨ Where is your sister?¨ She says while freaking out and yelling. 

¨ Shes probably with Thomas¨ I say while walking out to the car.  She follows me and places the duffel bag in the car as well as a bag for Vanessa.  

¨ Why would she be with him¨ She says more like a demand. 

¨ Shes pregnant with his child why else wouldn't she?¨ I say while sitting down in the car. 

¨ Shes what?¨ Her face turns a red shade the one she gets when she's furious and annoyed. 

¨ Yeah, she didn't tell you?¨ I ask while buckling the car buckle and closing the door.

¨ No she didn't,  and I'm surprised you didn't tell me.¨ She starts the car up and we turn down the street towards Carley's house. 

¨ Where are we gonna go?¨ I ask with a little curiosity. I knew where we were going, we were going to get Vanessa. 

I kept my mouth shut as we pulled up to the curb of the driveway.  I sat in the car while I saw Vanessa walk to the car. Carley was sitting on the steps in fount of her house I wanted to get out of the car and run and pick her up in my arms and hold her tight.  Instead, I was sitting in the car next to my mom while my sister was in the back seat and had tears down her face. 

¨ stop crying¨ Our mother was looking in the driver's mirror at my sister while driving.

I felt bad but as bad as I felt I didn't say anything. Vanessa was crying and digging her nails into her skin. She's done it ever since she was little. We pull up to the hotel. My mom books us a room. We head into the room. I lay on the bed and the only thing I was thinking about was Carley. I pull my phone out and quietly look at the screen wishing a notification would pop up. However nothing. I close my eyes feeling my head spinning. 

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