13- Food fight!

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We walk into the cafeteria to see a food fight. I chuckle and Carley runs out of the crowded room full of food flying everywhere. I follow her out to the hallway. She looks at me then down to her phone. I walk towards her, she looks up and has the biggest smile on her face. 

" My dad is coming home from the war!!!" she says while jumping up and down.

" I'm happy for you," I say and I give her a giant hug.

She smiles and runs off to the parking lot. I chase after her and she asks me to give her a ride home. I smile and hand her the helmet. She hops on the bike and I drive to the house.


We arrive at the house to see Samantha and Kaylee there. I smile and we all hug each other. Mr. Bond has no clue his wife Victoria Bond died a year ago. We all head inside the house. Mr. Bond will be here any minute. We sit in the house playing cards. I draw a card from the pile we all hear the car show up. Carley stands up and her eyes start to water from happiness and sadness. The door opens and we see Mr.bond. He drops his bags and immediately hugs Carley. I see Thomas behind him. I give him a weak smile and he smiles back.

" Where's your brother?" Mr. Bond says looking at everyone in the room.

" I'm behind you dad" Thomas smiles and his dad pulls him into a hug. 

They both start to cry. 

" Where's my beautiful Victoria?" he looks from Carley to Thomas. 

" She passed away last year," Carley says wiping her tears with the back of her hand. 

" When did that happen?" he looks at Thomas and then Carley. 

" She overdosed on her pills, she left a letter. " Thomas looked at his father then at Carley. 

I know how this will end, I pull Carley into a hug and kiss her cheek. 

" I love you" I whisper in her ear and leave. 

She looks at me with her blue eyes that are telling me I don't want you to leave. Samantha holds her in her arms and I feel the need to stay. I look at her and Samantha lets her go. She walks to me and wraps her arms around me. I hold her in my arms and her dad looks at me and gives me a weak smile.  I feel a relief of stress off my chest. He walks to his room and closes the door. We hear him yelling and sounds like throwing things around. Carley runs out of my arms. She runs upstairs. I stand in the living room and look at every one. They all look puzzled. I see Samantha looking at Kaylee and Thomas just sitting on the couch. I sit down in the chair across from the others. I look down at the ground and feel the need to leave. I get up and rush out the door. I feel the nerve of everyone looking at me. I know that Carley needs me but I also need to get out of the house. I sit on the swing outside on the porch and sit there with my arms crossed. I see Samantha walk out the door, she closes it behind her and sits down on the swing with me. 

" Are you okay?" she says and looks at me. 

" Yeah I'll be fine," I say and look up at her big blue eyes.

I give her a weak smile and she goes inside the house. I sit in silence looking at my bike in front of the house.

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