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The boy clung to the paling body with trembling hands, hiccups erupting from his lungs as tears ran down his blood stained cheeks. "Papa..." the (H/C) haired child whimpered repeatedly in hopes for a response, anything. "Stupid brat," The weakened adult groaned out, all the while hacking up blood gruesomely. "Protecting you...was not the way I wanted to go out...You never listen..." He continued, his words feeling like daggers to the boy's heart. "Y...You never think about...Your damned actions...A-And how they'll affect o...others..." He clutched the deep bullet wound  in his stomach, wheezing at the unbearable painful sensation. The mourning child tightened the embrace around his dying father, heaving out another cry. "Crying, again..." he began, his voice hoarse and barely audible. "Y...You're not...my son..." He growled, his teeth gritting furiously down at his crying seed.

Within moments, hazel-golden hues began to their lose color, the life eventually non-evident in his round, dead eyes. He was finally deceased, sprawled out lifelessly upon the cold concrete beneath his bloodied corpse.

"It's not my fault...It's not my fault..." (Y/N) chanted with deep sorrow, his pained voice echoing about the abandoned alleyway, his grip never loosening of the dead man.

~「Eight Years After~

"Hmm... Aren't you just a bit young to be handling, erm... Literal drugs?" The middle aged business man pointed out with a befuddled expression. Standing firm at a decent height of 5'9 in front of the wrinkly clothed civilian, (Y/N) scoffed at his—what he believed—disrespectful question. "Tch," Roughly, he shoved the block of paper concealed crack cocaine into the man's chest with spite, the sheepish man stumbling backward from the sudden force of action. "And don't you have a beautiful wife and kids, old man? It'd be a shame if they knew about your little habit." (Y/N) barked back with a furrowed glare. Of course, the middle aged man panicked, "N-No no! I was just curious; I didn't mean any type of disrespect...The wife would leave me for sure if this somehow came to light." He explained, scarce evident on his face. "Just shut up. Give me the money and get the fuck out of my sight." The annoyed teen demanded, stepping up to the older man, hand out palm up.

"Of course! S-Sorry..." He fumbled with his pockets, eventually revealing a neat roll of hundred dollar bills, "The thousand you asked for...Also, Is this stuff really the real deal? Straight from the source?" The troubled male questioned once more. The man yelped in response to (Y/N) snatching the roll of money from his blistered fingers. The baggy clothed teen began to count the stack of currency in his hands, roughly shoving it in his back pocket afterward. "What do YOU think? Christ's sake, get offa' my corner before you end up in a body bag." The teenager warned coldly, and without a second to the waste the usual customer scurried out of the dark alleyway.

Slightly annoyed now, (Y/N) pulled his hood over his messy (H/C) locks and treaded out of the alleyway, his feeling of minor dread finally leaving his conscious when he was a good amount of feet away from the area. "Gotta contact the boss now..." He muttered with a sigh, pulling out a disposable flip phone from his jet-black cargo pants. Even though the cellular wasn't being tracked or used daily, the boss made it strictly clear that they didn't want any dealers saving their number in said phone, just in case worse comes to worst with the law. Dialing the number right off the top of his head into the old phone, (Y/N) rang for the boss.

The call buffered for a moment before they picked up. "Moshi moshi~?" a woman spoke out on the other end. "Oi, Adachi-San, it's (Y/N)." He responded with stoic in his tone. "Ah! My favorite go getter~" She greeted him flirting-like just as usual.

The male cringed. The little names she'd give were still as annoying and gross as ever... But she was the boss—Back talk was never tolerated, and that story is for another time. "Yeah. I'm just hitting you up to let y'know the deal went fine; It was sold safely." The teenager informed, trying to hold back the disgust and annoyance in his tone. "Outstanding. I'm grateful~" She praised through the phone, "For being such a loyal lapdog, I'll let you keep the dough this time. Spend it wisely, hun~" Without another word, the middle aged woman hung up the phone.

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