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There was sand on the floor.

There was sand on the floor on the night that Millie made Isabelle hers. 'You're mine, Isabelle' she would whisper. She owned all of Isabelle's secrets- that meant she owned Isabelle.

There was sand on the floor the day that Millie left Natasha alone at Jake's house.

 'Be mine, babe' he murmured in her ear, leaving purple bruises on her neck.

There was sand on the floor at the wedding of Millie's mum's and Emma's dad's wedding, before he left to live with Millie and her mum, leaving Lear alone with a mother who abused her. He didn't even look back as he stepped into the white car and was driven away.

 'He was supposed to be mine' Lear chocked. Millie only grinned, her brown eyes gleaming with selfish pride.

There was sand on the floor that morning when Millie told Michaela that she wasn't good enough in front of the entire canteen. Humiliated, she had lost everything- status was all she had. 

'You had better find somewhere else to eat, Michaela. They were never your friends in the first place: they're mine'.

There was sand on the floor, but no one could see it.

No one except Georgina.

Sand that had spilled when the hour glasses had shattered, untimely. Something had caused the hour glasses to shatter.

There was sand on the floor. That meant that someone's time was up.

Someone was going to die.

To be continued...

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