MINE Part Two

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Georgina knew everything.

Eyes of glass looked upon the world and saw all of its secrets: its faults, its weaknesses, its lies.

Georgina knew everything, which meant that Millie knew everything too, because Georgina knew everything, and Georgina belonged to Millie.

Georgina knew that Isabelle was never allowed to go anywhere, or do anything, without adult supervision, because her parents were afraid and paranoid that she would try to commit suicide again. She met with a therapist every Thursday and, despite being fifteen years old, required a babysitter every night while her father was at the law firm and her mother was cleaning some rich person's house.

Moreover, there was something sinister about the seemingly sweet girl, something which she desperately tried to hide- that she would do anything to keep hidden. After all, what should become of the little wretch who framed her mummy for theft, causing her to lose her job cleaning for the Thomas family?

She may have been capable of crime, but Georgina knew that Isabelle was fragile. She was easy to crack. Easy to control. Easy for Millie to make hers. So, when Millie threatened to release her secrets, it was less than difficult to make her give in, just as Georgia predicted.

Isabelle would do anything that Millie wanted because she knew that if she failed to please her newfound master, Millie could ruin her. And she would.

Georgina knew Isabelle, but Isabelle knew Millie.

Despite Millie being a popular, fearless leader and Isabelle being, well, none of those things, the two opposites were cousins who saw each other a lot outside of school. It was because of their shared time together that Isabelle knew her cousin would not hesitate to step on her back and crush her bones, like she had done when she spread around the school that Isabelle needed a babysitter.

Because of Millie, Isabelle could never cross from one side of the school to the other without being teased, taunted, tormented, or even tortured with pinches and punches and kicks. She was small for age, and thin and quiet. She was already an easy target for bullies. Millie just catalysed the reaction. Why? Because Isabelle asked her to ditch Georgina after she persuaded Millie to dismiss Michaela because she was too big of a threat to Millie's popularity.

It was not because Isabelle was close to, or even friends with, Michaela (she was nowhere near popular enough to even speak to her) but she felt that rejecting her when she had done nothing wrong was harsh. She forgot that Millie was immensely harsh- especially to her- so she had to endure the bullying every day to pay for the crime of giving her opinion.

She should have known better. No one contradicts the dragoness and makes it out unscathed. Especially when one is contradicting about a matter involving Georgina, Millie's personal spy and minion.

Small, quiet, and easy to hide. People never realised she was there at all. With porcelain skin and blank, staring eyes, Georgina spent her days creeping around and listening to conversations. Anything useful, she reported back to Millie.

She had chosen her form, a doll-like creature, so that no one would suspect she was a living thing that could listen, spy and even kill.

Of course, she could become anything she wanted to be: a basketball, an ornament, a bicycle, a radio. Anything. But Millie had a soft spot for dolls. So, a doll she became.

No one knew how Millie became in possession of Georgina. One day, she went to school, as usual, and she came back with a doll in her school bag. When asked how she got it, Millie only grinned, baring her teeth, and laughed lightly.

Since that day, Millie had begun to use her toy to spy on people and to steal things from her enemies when they had their backs turned. When this grew dull, Millie decided to have some real fun.

Georgina had powers. Terrible powers. And, Millie made Georgina use these powers to inflict pain on her enemies, her family, her friends.

She made her shapeshift into Isabelle's babysitter to frighten her by pretending to be possessed.

She made her whisper in Jake's ear that he should make Natasha sleep with him. She hypnotised him, and later, she hypnotised Emma's father into leaving her for Millie's mother. Emma had not angered Millie, who knew that she would never be safe at home without her dad to protect her. This was not a revenge plot. Millie knew that Emma's father was a wealthy businessman who would buy her anything she wanted- with Georgina's help. The fact that it would cause Emma to suffer was just an added bonus in her mind.

She also made her puppet use her hypnotising abilities to ensure that no one would speak to Michaela ever again, inside, or outside of school. Millie had to crush any other queen bees before they became to powerful. With Georgina in her pocket, she could make the whole school love her. They would have to.

Georgina would make sure of this. After all, she owed everything to Millie- her home, her name, her prey- everything that she had was because of this girl that fate led her to find. Without her, she was nothing. Cursed to be a slave until the sands of time run dry, she had magnificent, immense powers, but she could not become powerful on her own- she had to act through another, more powerful than herself.

Georgina needed Millie.

And she was willing to go to any means to keep her happy.

I think I am going to turn this into its own story because I have so many ideas for this. I also have the entire plot planned out, so I can see that this story is going to be quite long.

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