The Coyote Who Became A Lawyer*

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(* Full title= The Coyote Who Became a Lawyer Because of His Allergic Reaction To Donald Trump's Illegal Almond Seeds and Went on to Save the World From PPI And Exotic Game Show Hosts).

First of all, thank you, @drarry_goose , for tagging me.

I nominate the following writers for this challenge (sorry I couldn't tag more):














Okay, now the questions.

1) If you could live the life of any character, who would it be?

I would love to be Alice (from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) or a Hogwarts student.

2) What is something you regret ever buying?

I bought my sister nearly £50 worth of presents for Christmas and she gave me half a box of chocolates (that she had eaten out of).

3) Do you believe in the paranormal? Why or why not?

I'm not going to go into too much detail here but members of my family and some of my friends have experienced the paranormal  so, yes, I do.

4) What's the saddest characters death scene to you?

So many to choose from but Luke Castellan and Fred Weasley hit hard.

5) How many pancakes can u eat in one sitting?

Like, three.

6) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? 

I would still live in England but I would move out of the city and into the countryside because it is so beautiful and peaceful and the air is so fresh and clean.

7) What is your favourite book?

I have had many but my favourite series are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the Fire Walker trilogy.

8) How many dictionaries do you own? 

Two... I think? IDK I usually just use Google.

9) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? If so what of? 

No I don't. My dad chucked all of my childhood belongings when we left him so I have none left.

10) What is your favourite photo you have saved? 

I am on my mum's laptop since I don't have a phone at the moment but here is some stuff I have saved:

I am on my mum's laptop since I don't have a phone at the moment but here is some stuff I have saved:

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11)   If you could only follow one user, who would it be? 

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11) If you could only follow one user, who would it be? 

Okay so the rules are that I have to answer this but I don't want to so I'm just going to say the official Wattpad account.

12) Weirdest dream you've ever had? 

I have a dream worthy of its own Broadway musical every night but most of them have been forgotten or are too terrifying to tell but my most recent weird dream was that my mum made me travel to Germany to steal a diamond for her and I had to smuggle it back but somehow people found out and I got chased on foot back to England.

Well, that's all folks!

Well, that's all folks!

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