My Wings Are Around You

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          Mitch walked up the mountainside, pebbles falling off the steep cliff with every step.
He reached the cave opening, clutching onto the rockwall.
  Rocks moved out from under him, making him slip.
Mitch screamed, beginning to fall off the cliff, or at least he would have.
Two strong arms grabbed him, pulling him up.
"What were you thinking! You could've died!" His boyfriend exclaimed. "Mitch, I can't lose you like that!"
"You saved me once again, Scotty." Mitch said. "Just like usual."
Scott rolled his eyes, as they walked into his cave.
  Mitch had always been amazed how Scott had made his cave his home away from home. Scott had an apartment, but also spent time in his cave, which had a bed, beanbags, a makeshift stove, everything someone could want.
   "Now, you better tell me what the heck you were doing climbing up here." Scott said.
"I was coming to surprise you! We have a date tonight!" Mitch said.
Scott smiled. "Yeah, I remember, but baby, you can't climb up here! You could fall, you could get impaled, you could-"
Mitch kissed Scott. "Babe, I'm fine! Let's go on our date!"
Scott sighed. "Okay, lemme get ready, hun."
   Mitch pulled his black blouse and jeans out of his backpack. "Babe, I'm ready!"
Scott looked over. "You look good, baby!"
"Thanks...wait...where are your wings?"
"Do we have to fly?" Scott asked.
"Scott, I love your wings so much, they're beautiful." Mitch said. "Let's fly, we'll be fine!"
     Scott went out on the cliff, unfurling his large, dark, feathered wings. He wrapped his arms around Mitch, taking a running jump off the cliff.
  Mitch smiled, looking down as his feet skimmed the water under them.
"We're almost there, sweetie." Scott said, landing on the grass on the other side of the lake.
"Wait, you already set this up?" Mitch asked, looking at the flowers. "Aw! You got us In n Out burger! I love you!"
Scott tucked his wings in, smiling at Mitch. "Special date for my special baby."
Mitch smiled, eating some of the fries. "Fanks babe!"
Scott kissed his forehead. "Love you."
        Mitch thought back to when he had first met Scott, it had been years ago.
"Go, Mitch! Jump!" Some guys had yelled.
Mitch stood on the bridge ledge. "Okay, I'm up."
"You're ugly!"
"You're worthless!"
"Just die already!"
Tears filled Mitch's eyes, he crouched down, closing his eyes, and jumped.
    He thought he was going to hit the water, but he never did.
Mitch looked up, someone had grabbed him, and he was...flying.
"Put me down!" He cried.
"Nope." A deep voice said. "You're not dying today, mister."
"It's Mitch."
"Sorry, Mitch."
Mitch smiled a little, as they landed on the bank. "Thanks."
"So you need a hug?" The guy asked.
Mitch nodded, hugging the man. " have wings."
"Y...yeah, sorry." He said, tucking them away.
"No! I wanna see them! Please!" Mitch said.
"Yeah! Now tell me your name."
"I'm Scott." He said, spreading his dark wings.
"Can I touch them?" Mitch asked.
Scott nodded. "Go ahead."
Mitch touched the wings gently. "They're soft!"
"That's surprising?"
"I thought they'd be rough!" Mitch said, petting the wings. "Can we fly again?"
Scott smiled. "Sure! Sounds fun!"
        They flew for hours, Scott tossing Mitch into the air and catching him again.
"SCOTT!!!" Mitch screamed, as he fell towards the water.
"MITCH!" Scott yelled, going upside down.
Mitch hit the deep water, sinking fast. He looked up, seeing Scott.
The winged man grabbed him, flying up.
They gasped, but didn't get out of the water.
" wings!" Scott cried. "They're wet! I'm gonna drown!"
Mitch's eyes widened, grabbing Scott. He swam to the side, pulling Scott up next to him.
"Scott, can you breathe for me?" Mitch asked. "Scott!" He hit the other man's chest, beginning CPR.
Scott's eyes popped open. "Mitch?"
"You're okay, good!" Mitch sighed. "You worried me!"
"My wings!" Scott cried. "They're so wet!"
Mitch took off his shirt, toweling off the wings. "I've got you."
              "Mitch, earth to Mitch!" Scott called. "Hey, babe."
Mitch smiled. "Just remembering when we first met!"
"Aw, that was a fun time!" Scott laughed.
Mitch blinked. "The sun's so bright!"
Scott laughed again, covering his boyfriend's head with his wings.
"Thanks, baby." Mitch said. "I can't wait to spend time with you!"
"We already spend time together!" Scott said.
"Yeah, but I like being by your mountain, it's calm, it's quiet, I like it." Mitch said. "The city isn't fun."
"I know."
   They finished up their burgers, but it started raining.
"Scotty, we better get inside before you can't fly." Mitch said.
"Good idea, hold onto me." Scott said, bending down.
Mitch wrapped his arms and legs around Scott. "Let's fly."
  They flew up to the cave, right as rain started pouring down.
Scott propped up the pine door he had, covering the cave opening.
Scott turned around, Mitch's lips on his.
He kissed back, pulling his boyfriend closer. Scott shoved Mitch onto their bed, stripping off his shirt.
Mitch ran his hands down Scott's shoulders, then his wings.
"Why're you so obsessed with my wings?" Scott asked, as Mitch bit his collarbone.
"They're pretty." Mitch whispered. "They make me feel safe."
Scott sighed, as Mitch nuzzled into his neck, but then decided to bite it, making Scott gasp/moan.
"Ooh, found a new sweet spot!" Mitch said, as a loud roll of thunder boomed.
"Darling, you're safe." Scott said gently, pulling Mitch onto himself. "It's just me and you, baby."

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