Road Trip!

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(A/N, so, I recently went on a road trip to Atlanta, so here's a oneshot about a PTX road trip!😘)

"GUYS!" Kevin shouted. "Let's go to the beach!"
"Why the beach?" Matt asked, as Scott began humming 'Starships' by Nicki Minaj.
Kevin shrugged. "Seems like fun!"
"I'm down!" Kristie exclaimed. "When do we go?"
Kevin shrugged. "Not sure."
"Scott and I aren't busy tomorrow." Mitch said.
"Same here." Matt said. "Kirst? You busy?"
"Nope!" Kirstie said. "Kev, can we go tomorrow?"
"Fine by me!" Kevin said. "Meet at Scott and Mitch's house tomorrow at six?"
"AM or PM?" Scott asked.
Mitch groaned. "Fine, we'll be up."
     *time skip to six AM the next day*

  "Scott, Mitch, wake up!" Matt said, shaking his friends' shoulders. "It's six! Kev and Kirstie are here already!"
Scott groaned, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
"SCOTT HOYING! MITCH GRASSI" Matt yelled, as Kevin walked in.
"Need help?" He asked.
"Yeah." Matt said, getting on the bed.
"Ooh, this looks fun!" Kevin said, starting to jump on the bed.
"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" The two shouted, jumping in sync on the bed.
"WHAT THE F--K ARE YOU TWO DOING!?" Mitch yelled, sitting up.
"It's six! We gotta go!" Matt said.
"Oh my gosh, Scott! Wake up!" Mitch said, shaking his boyfriend.
Scott rolled back over.
Mitch kissed Scott, making his boyfriend's eyes open. "Hi, beautiful."
"G'mornin, now get your ass out of bed." Mitch said.
               Kirstie looked up, holding Floof. "There you are! I was about to come in to check on you guys."
"Sorry, Kirst." Scott said, yawning. "Im just tired."
"Gee, I couldn't tell." Kirstie said, rolling her eyes.
"Anyway, we gotta go." Matt said, chucking Mitch and Scott's suitcases into the back of the van. "Get in the dang car!"
       Kevin got in te driver's seat, Kirstie was in the passenger, and the other three were in the back.
"PTX ROAD TRIP!" Kevin exclaimed, everyone cheering.
"We're gonna have so much fun!" Kirstie said.
"This is gonna be an eight hour drive, just letting you know." Matt said.
"That's fine." Kevin said. "Kirst? Can you drive next?"
"Sure!" Kirstie said, as she set up the GPS. "I can't wait to get in the ocean!"
"Imagine Floof swimming in the ocean, and then a great white shark eats him." Scott said, singing the Jaws song, grabbing Floof.
"NO! Floof's my baby!" Kirstie exclaimed. "No shark is gonna eat my baby!"
Scott laughed, the Pomeranian nipping at his nose. "Floof! Calm down!"
              A few hours later, Matt was driving, Kevin was in the passenger seat, and Kirstie, Scott, and Mitch were in the back with Floof.
Floof was barking his head off, while Kirstie was trying to sleep.
"Floof man, chill a little!" Kevin said. "Leave Kirstie alone!"
Scott turned Mitch towards himself. "How's my babygirl doing?"
Mitch smiled. "She's doing okay, but she misses her man."
Scott smiled too, kissing Mitch.
   Their kiss was fine, but then got heated fast.
Scott bit his boyfriend's neck gently, making Mitch moan.
Kirstie sat up, feeling Mitch's foot in her leg. "What the heck?"
Mitch and Scott continued kissing, the occasional moan coming from them.
"Ugh, you both are so touchy." Kirstie said. "Mitch! Get your foot off my leg! You're freaking kicking me!"
"HEY!" Matt shouted, everyone stopping what they were doing. "I'M TRYING TO DRIVE! IF YOU THREE DON'T QUIT I WILL TURN THIS CAR BACK AROUND!"
Kevin turned around in his seat. "Mitch, Scott, whatever you're doing, Kirstie, you and me can switch."
"Fine by me." Kirstie said. "I'm hungry."
"Same." Mitch and Scott said.
"Okay, we'll pull over in a minute, I'm on a freeway." Matt said.
"Okay." Everyone said.
   "In the meantime, do you guys wanna do Can't Sleep Love?" Kevin asked.
"Sure." Matt said. "Mitch, you start."
Everyone started doing their backup vocals, while Scott cleared his throat. "I'm ready."
"Then go." Mitch said.
"Tell me am I going crazy?" Scott sang. "Tell me have I lost my mind? Am I just afraid of lovin? Or am I not the lovin kind?
"Kissin in the moonlight, movies on a late night, gettin old. I've been there, done that, supposed to be hot, but it's just cold. Somebody wake up my heart, light me up, set fire to my soul. Cause I can't do it anymore."
"Gimme that can't sleep love." Everyone harmonized, as Matt turned off the freeway. "I want that can't sleep love. The kind I dream about all day, the kind that keeps me up all night, gimme that can't sleep love."
"Guys, what do you wanna eat?" Matt asked.
"First thing that comes along." Scott said hurriedly, getting back into the song.
"Taco Bell it is!" Matt said.
"Wait!" Mitch cried. "I wanna do the rap!"
"Okay, honey, we'll do it." Scott said, as Kevin started beat boxing again.
Mitch smiled. "Rejected, heart is like a widow. We can't last if your love's incognito. A bit of time, that's all that I ask. You know you leave me out too long, and I'll go back. Verbatim, I'm hot as a volcano, you want a taste you better be bringing more to the table. Speaking off I want your love, sweetest sweet end love, love, love."
Everyone was grinning as they watched Mitch rapping sassily.
"Come and set me on fire, you gotta be the man of my desire." Mitch sang, running his hand down Scott's chest. "Yes I yearnin, butterflies returnin. To get the usual, get deep as a swimming pool. Yeah, yeah, bottled up with all these emotions, you know I gotta pour this out on someone, my sweet love."
Nothing prepared the rest of PTX for Mitch's high note after his rap. Even the people outside the car looked over.
"Good job, baby!" Scott said, opening the door.
"Thanks, Scotty, now I'm hella dehydrated." Mitch laughed.
       The group got out of the car and got some Taco Bell.
"How much longer do I have to be in the car?" Kirstie asked, taking a sip of her soda.
"Only an hour." Matt said. "Scott, can you drive the rest of the way?"
"Sure." Scott said, stealing Mitch's nachos.
"Hey! Baby, stop it!" Mitch exclaimed.
Scott laughed, finishing up his food.
               "WE'RE HERE, GUYS!" Scott called, parking at the beach.
"WOOHOO!" Everyone exclaimed.
They grabbed their swim suits, running to the ocean.
Scott held onto Floof, as he stepped into the water.
"It's cold!" Mitch screamed.
Matt had swum under water, and yanked Mitch down.
They shouted, as the brunette came back up splutteting.
"WHERE THE F--K ARE MY GLASSES!?" Mitch shouted.
"Take the dog." Scott said, shoving Floof into Mitch's arms, diving under the water.
Kirstie and Kevin did the same thing as Scott, trying to feel around for the glasses.
"I GOT 'EM!" Kirstie exclaimed, her hair over her eyes.
"Oh my gosh, you are the best, Kirst!" Mitch said, putting his glasses back on.
"PTX BEACH TRIP!" Kevin cheered, as Scott splashed him in the face. "Oh, it's on, Scott!"
"This is gonna be the best vacay ever!" Kirstie laughed. "Right Floof?"
Floof barked happily while the five ran splashed around screaming and yelling.



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