I'm Dancing In The Dark With You Between My Arms

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(A/N, wowzers, long title! Anyway, I fell in love with Ed Sheeran's song Perfect, so here's a oneshot I decided to make about it, hope this is okay."

  "Is everyone ready for recording?" The recording studio director asked.
"Yeah!" The five exclaimed.
"Alright, Kevin, Kirstie, you're in first!"
Kevin and Kirstie got up, walking into the studio.
"I'm gonna grab some coffees." Matt said. "I'll be back soon."
Mitch and Scott nodded.
     A while later, Mitch was in the studio, Scott in the sound room so he could hear the other man's beautiful voice.
As Mitch sang, Scott felt like melting into the floor and running into the studio to kiss Mitch, but decided against it.
   "Was I good?" Mitch asked.
"You were wonderfull!" Scott said, hugging the brunette.
"Aw! Thanks! My voice hurts really bad, so I can't tell."
Scott pulled out of the hug, his hands on Mitch's shoulders. "Your voice hurts?"
"Yeah, I think I have a cold or something." Mitch said. "It hurts to talk."
"Okay, I'm gonna get you tea, don't talk." Scott said. "Sit down."
Mitch nodded, sitting down.
    Scott grabbed some lemon tea, hurrying back to Mitch.
"Here, drink this."
Mitch smiled, taking the mug.
Scott saw him shivering, so he grabbed his leather jacket, wrapping it around the other boy. He saw Mitch still shaking, so Scott pulled him onto his lap, holding him close.
"Scott? How'd your session g-" Matt began, seeing the two. "Oh, bad time?"
"No, it's fine!" Scott said, rubbing Mitch's shoulders. "My session went fine, how about you?"
"It went good, is Mitch okay?" Matt asked.
"Hey, guys! What's u-woah!" Kevin said. "Is Mitch okay? He looks pale."
Scott looked at Mitch. "He's feeling sick."
"Aw, poor guy." Matt said.
"I feel left out, I'm gonna sit on your lap, okay, Matt?" Kevin said.
Matt held out his arms, as PTX's beatboxer sat on his lap.
  Kirstie came in, looking at the four boys. "Aw! Picture time!"
She pulled out her phone, taking the pic. "You guys look so cute!"
Kevin laughed, as he got off of Matt.
"Hey, Scott? Is Mitch asleep?" Kirstie asked.
Scott glanced at the other boy, grinning. "Yeah, he is."
"That's adorable!" Kirstie said.
"Hey, we gotta go." Matt said.
"Are you gonna wake Mitch up?" Kevin asked.
Scott shook his head, standing up gently, holding Mitch bridal style. "I'm gonna carry him to the car, then I'm gonna take him home."
"That's nice." Matt said, as they walked to the car.
Scott smiled, looking at the sleeping boy in his arms. "Hey, Kev? Will you pull up the seat so I can get back?"
Kevin nodded, pulling one of the seats in the van forward, Scott climbing back.
"Mhm?" Mitch said sleepily. "Scotty?"
"Go back to sleep, honey." Scott said. "We're going home."
"M'kay." Mitch murmured, shutting his eyes.
         Scott carried Mitch into his house, laying him in bed.
He went to the kitchen, ordering Chick Fil A.
  A few minutes later, Scott heard footsteps behind him.
"Scotty?" Mitch said.
"Yes?" Scott asked, turning around. "What is it, Mitchy?"
"Nothin, did I fall asleep?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah, you fell asleep." Scott said. "Do you feel better?"
  "Um, yeah." Mitch said. "The power's acting up in your room."
"It's what-" Scott began, the lights suddenly shutting off.
Mitch screamed, while Scott let out a strand of curses, his foot hitting the table leg.
"Scott! Where are you?" Mitch asked, switching the flashlight mode on on his phone. "There you are!"
Scott held Mitch's hand. "Okay, we're okay. Let's go check the circuit breaker."
Mitch nodded. "Don't let go of my hand."
Scott laced their fingers together. "I'm not gonna let the the monsters get to you."
Mitch hit Scott's arms. "Don't say that kind of sh-t!"
Scott laughed, as they walked down the stairs, opening the circuit breaker. "Everything looks fine."
"Scotty, look out the window!" Mitch said.
Scott did, seeing the whole neighborhood black. "Oh, it's a power outage."
     They went back to the kitchen.
"Anything you wanna do?" Scott asked.
"I dont know, I wanna listen to music." Mitch said.
"Okay, I think I can play music with the power out." Scott said, as a song began playing. "Perfect!"
"Did you mean to say that?" Mitch asked, pointing to the name of the song. "Perfect? By Ed Sheeran?"
Scott grinned. "Good pun?"
Even in the dark, Scott knew Mitch was rolling his eyes.
"Scotty? Will you dance with me?" Mitch asked.
"In the dark?" Scott asked.
"Yeah." Mitch said, using the phone light to find the other man. "There you are."
They began dancing, occasionally hitting themselves or each other on a piece of furniture.
Mitch had somehow found where Scott's lips were, and had stood on his tiptoes to kiss him.
Scott kissed back, rubbing Mitch's back. "It's kinda funny."
"What is?" Mitch asked.
"The song says I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms, but I'm kissing in the dark with you between my arms." Scott said.
"That's so stupid, but sweet." Mitch said. "I hope the power doesn't come back on."
"Yeah, me too." Scott said. "You're perfect, Mitch."
"Thanks, Scotty, you're perfect too." Mitch said.

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