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~wooyoung pov~

I rub my eyes waking up not knowing where I am I look over by my side and see seonghwa sitting on the bed head on the backboard.
"Good morning wooyoung" he smiled at me but he seemed to have a aurora of stress. "Good morning seonghwa, you look tired are you ok?" He sighs and say "I couldn't sleep, it's not your fault though." I stretch and hop out of bed "we have to get ready and changed we have to go to save mingi."
He nods and gets out of bed "let's do this."

~sans pov~

I couldn't sleep all night thinking how Wooyoung looked when he cried, he was devastated he broke.

He never realized that mafia members aren't all bad. He couldn't stop thinking about him what was wrong with him. Why do I care so much about him??!! I slam my fist on my bed.

I get up and start to change into my clothes still thinking about Wooyoung just convincing myself that he's fine. I look into the mirror and laugh at my appearance "wow I look like shit". I suddenly look at my hair maybe I should dye it again? I am getting tired of this.

~wooyoungs pov~

I see the mafia base near by as I keep on walking near it. I try to cover my limping as much as I can because Mr.park (JYP hsjahahjw) would not be happy about me cutting myself. I've been thinking to dye my hair black because lots of spy's have seen me already.

I type in the long code: 88811100023880 the door unlocks and I quickly go inside and shut the door.

I see all the other members yeosang, yunho, seonghwa, changbin, Felix, hyunjin, wonwoo, mingyu, seungkwan, youngtaek, jaehyun, and joochan, yeonjun,and beomgyu but no mingi.

Then jyp start to tell the plans for today "today I want you guys to stay all focused to day because the spy's has seen seonghwa and Wooyoung already I want you guys to get mingi back then I want wonwoo and mingyu to find info about yg and how to defeat them the rest of you stay on guard and kill if you see yg members.

Me and seonghwa walk together "guess it you and me again" I say and he laughs. "I guess it is" he says as he smiles

~sans pov~

I start to type on my computer of the two mafia members I saw and talked to until I knock interrupts me "come in?" I say with a questionable look. "Um sir you know are captured mafia?" I look at her in the eye "yes?"
She starts to shake "uh um so he went missing but then we caught all three of them." I look at her in shock "let me see them."

~wooyoungs pov 30 minutes ago~

Me and seonghwa knock out the two bodyguard in the front I smile "well,  that was really that easy" me and seonghwa go in the back and change. He takes of his shirt and I was impressed "wow your muscles are like stuffed rocks in there" he laughs as he gets flustered "I get to flex that I have a way better body then you" he laughs as I hit him.

I walk inside lying that I need a water break and get water. I walk to mingi sell unlock it with the stupid weird id card and I see mingi look up at me and almost scream "come to papa." I say with my arms out wide. He runs to me and hugs me. "Now let's get out of here." We quickly get out of the room. Everything was going fine until a person screamed out at us. "Ey what are you doing with are prisoner?!!" I look at mingi and whisper to him to run suddenly we push everyone out of the way and run out the door "HEY CATCH THOSE GUYS" we run out the door and I tell at seonghwa to come just until stupid me tripped and fell because of my leg "fuck" they caught us we were so close until stupid me had to fall they lead us inside the cell as I keep saying sorry to them they tied us to the chairs and hand cuffed are hands seonghwa moved his chair next to mine and held my hand as I looked down in shame.

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