7~ captured

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~sans pov~
I open the door slowly as I saw the beautiful boy.
He looks at me with sad eyes I look at him they look at his hands why is he holding  that guys hand??

I start to talk "guess you never excepted that you would get caught" he looks at me with hooded eyes "fuck you" woah why is he so angry? I saw that saonkhwa guy talk to him as he squeezed his hand tightly why did that hurt me so much?
"So what made you want to come here?" I ask smirking alittle already knowing why he came."oh hmm I wonder what I dressed up as a guard going into a mafias member sell and trying to run away hmm not obvious at all" he say as he look like he is about to Stab me in my stomach.

"Well I am going to ask you guys some questions" I say as I look at the others and Wooyoung. "Hmm what do you want us to tell you it depends how nice your are." Mingi says and laughs.
"Well let's start it sweet and simple first who do you work for?"

He looks at mingi and seonghwa and we all started laughing "a beautiful beautiful guy I am actually starting to get feelings for him.." he starts laughing as he almost fell of his chair. "I honestly don't know if your joking or not". Wooyoungs smile was so cute I wish I could- shut up San.

~seonghwas pov~

We just calmed down after laughing so hard as that San guy left the room wanting to try again later. "His face was priceless!!" I can't imagine how he will react when he looks at are boss." I say still laughing "I know that must have tripped him off. Though guys shouldn't we tell his name because their are load of park jinyoungs?" Wooyoung looked at mingi then me my heart rate quickly sped up.

"Yes we should that would be fun him going to random people's houses with park jinyoung as their name." I look at Wooyoung and say to him "when we get out of here I want to tell you something important." He looks at me and smiles "ok!" Only if he knew that his smile could make people fall in love with him.

~wooyoungs pov~

I try to fall asleep on seonghwas shoulder but then a loud bang from the door woke me up it was that guy from before that looked really buff and young."you guys better tell me who you work for or else you aren't get out of here anytime soon!" Then another guy walked in but he was like my height which what you call tiny
"Jongho calm down we don't want to make them angry." Tiny guy says as soon as he says it San walks in slowly he walks toward us "all is one of you need to say his name and we will give you food and water." He say eyes looking at me making me want to jump out at window. "Park jinyoung" I say. "Park jinyoung ey?" All of them walk out of the door and come back quickly as they give us pizza and water "here, I will be back to ask you more." As he unlocks are handcuffs and untie the ropes. " You know this is way better then where we work." Mingi says joyfully eating the pizza.

I look around the room seeing a small glass window (they can't afford medal bar windows) then I look at the glass I was holding "do you think you guys could fit through that window" mingi  and seonghwa look at me then the window (the window was about alittle bit bigger then mingi) "we could" I look at them, I drinking the rest of my water and walk toward the window and slam the plastic glass in the window.

My fingers start to bleed but the window was broken mingi looks at me surprised as seonghwa walk over to me and rip apart of his shirt and presses it on my bleeding fingers.

I look at them and smile.

"Let's get the hell out of here."


Hey my beautiful people I was rewatching call me by your name and cried so much also ateez new album coming out sygshshzs.

Hey my beautiful people I was rewatching call me by your name and cried so much also ateez new album coming out sygshshzs

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