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I went to my room and changed out of my uniform and put on a sweater and jeans. I grabbed my phone and left a voice mail for both my siblings. I called my sister first because she is busier and won't call back quicker, vs. Jimin who will probably call back a couple minutes after the voicemail. 

"Dear Amber, hello it's me. I wanted to leave you a message before I leave. I love you so so much, thank you for keeping me strong. I remember the day they brought you home from the hospital, I knew you were destined for so much. I'm sorry I chose to leave you this early in your life. When you get this, please don't let it ruin you. I'm so proud of you, my baby sister. Give my love to the members and your manager. Also, keep up with your music, you are amazing at what you do. I wish you the best. Love your brother, Cha Taehyung. I love you so much"

I then left a message for my brother

"Hey hyung, it's me. Hows the other hyungs doing? I wanted to leave a message before I leave. Please don't try to stop me, I need to do this for myself. I want you to know that I love you very much, you and hyungs. You were my only family, and you accepted me when they didn't. I'm sorry for not staying strong hyung, I tried, I really tried my hardest but I guess I can't do it. I love you so so much and I wouldn't have lasted this long if it wasn't for you. Send my regards to Yoongi and Hoseok hyung. Please don't let this damage you in anyway, thats the last thing I'd want. I love you lots and wish you luck in your modeling. Send my luck to Hoseok hyung and his Hip Hop, and Yoongi Hyung and his tattooing. Also, thank the tattoo parlor that he works at for doing my tattoos. Stay happy and healthy hyung. Love your brother, Cha Taehyung. I love you so much. You and hyungs. Thank you for being my brothers"

By the end I was crying a bit, but I kept on. I had to do this, for myself...and who was going to be my soulmate. They won't have to live with me. 

I walked out to my car and drove to my favorite spot in the world. I always knew that if I was going to leave, I would do it here. On the ride there, my phone was blowing up with calls from Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Amber but I put my phone on silent and continued driving. When I made it to the bridge I stood, leaning against the railing. After a couple minutes of looking out at the water and the sun starting to set; I climbed over the railing and stood on the edge of the bridge, holding onto the railing and leaning forward, letting the wind blowing against my face, I felt alive for once.

I heard a car pull up, but I didn't react, I knew they were going to try and stop me, but it won't matter.  

I heard them walking over to me and when they were less then a yard away...

I Hear You // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now