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Jungkook thanked the other again and started to walk to his car with a Tae koala hanging from him. Taehyung had his arms wrapped around the olders neck and legs wrapped around his waist, with his face tucked into the oldest neck. Jungkook had one arm under his butt, holding him up while the other was opening the shotgun seats door. He carefully unwrapped the younger from himself and after making sure he was buckled up, went to his side and started the car. They pulled away from the bridge and as they were driving Jungkook asked the younger what he wanted to do. 

"Soooo... What do you want to do?"

"Um...can we get something to-to eat? Oh and I'm tired..." Taehyung said the last part in a whisper. But Jungkook heard him.

"Okay, so what if we get some food in you and then I'll take you to Jimins to sleep?" Jungkook didn't want to cross any borders that the younger didn't want to cross. 

"I'd feel safer with you though..." Taehyung thought to himself. Though just between us and Jungkook, he had said it aloud to himself.

"Ok, now what sort of food do you want Tae?"

"Um...I don't really care, anything you want really" The younger responded, he hated being asked his opinion because he felt that even though it was a personal opinion, he could still answer wrong. Now Jungkook had observed this during their tattoo sessions, so he sort of knew this was the response he would get.

"I'm asking you Taehyung you don't need to be silent about your opinions, Id love to hear your thoughts on everything, especially now that we are-well we are soulmates." Taehyung froze that was the first time it had really been spoken aloud to him. He knew on a psychological level that they were soulmates, but on another level, one lower, he just knew that he felt safe with the older, and wanted to be near him.

Jungkook waved his hand in front of Taes face as he had zoned out thinking. "Tae? Earth to Tae?" Taehyung sort of shook himself and came out if his daze. 


"Nothing you zoned out. As I was saying, just tell me what you want to eat, don't think just speak. 3. 2. 1."

"Mexican" Taehyung sputtered out then put his hand over his mouth and looked scared. Jungkook noticed and pulled over into, what just so happened to be the parking lot of a little taco shop. He turned off the car and undid his seat belt and then the youngers. 

"Hey hey, your fine. Mexican food is amazing, you made a good choice. It's okay. Deep breaths" Jungkook spoke as Tae was calming down. He then grabbed the olders hand, which was petting his head lightly. He grabbed the hand and squeezed it. It was his way of showing affection. Jungkook squeezed back equally as hard, and then let go of his hand and got out of the car. 

You see Tae had abandonment issues, so he immediately thought Jungkook was done with him. He started to shake again and started to cry into his sleeves. 'there goes my soulmate' Tae thought to himself. 

Jungkook rounded the other side of he car. He ended up having to tie his shoes as they were undone. But anyway, he can to the passengers side door and saw through the window a panicking Tae. He quickly opened the door and grabbed him and then opened the back door and sat down sitting Tae on his lap facing him. Jungkook shushed him and whispered sweet nothings in his ear while rubbing his back. Taehyung breathed in the scent of Jungkook and calmed down. Something about the older just had a calming relaxed aura. Taehyung closed his eyes and ended up falling asleep. He decided to wait to order food. He decided to call Yoongi so he could see how the 3 were doing. I mean their 'brother' almost killed himself, they were probably still shaken up. He called the number and Jimin picked up putting the speaker phone on. 

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