Ch 1
'Only time can undo the pain'
"Stay here!" said Hiro as he returned back to the damaged village. "No! Don't leave me here, Hiro-kun!" yelled Amisa as she was held by other villager. Their village was under attacked by a fierce dragon that breathes fire. It burned everything down, their houses, crops, towns. All were in flames. "We'll be safe here!" said the old lady, keeping Amisa in her arms. "My parents are still there! I need to help them!" cried Amisa as she struggled to get away. Tears ran down her cheeks. "They're all dead! We have to get away from here!" said the other villagers and they all leave the place. Amisa was stunned but she knew he was right. Even Hiro was nowhere to be seen in all the chaos.
Present time.
Amisa woke up, sweating and panting from her nightmare. It was seven years ago since her village was ruined by the dragon, but the nightmare kept hunting her. She could not remember when she ever had a good night sleep. As morning light came, Amisa packed her things and left town. It was just another town where she stopped by to find any dragon left. A sword that was engraved with dragon emblem was neatly sheath on her right waist, easy for her to pull it out. She spent years of gruesome training and learnt many sealing techniques over the years. She was no more a crybaby, and not just a woman; she is a dragon hunter.
Evening arrived; she was at a peasant village. All the villagers looked at the lady wondering where she came from. But they do not have time to look at the lady as they were rushing to close their shops. Amisa was curious at their actions, she waste no time and looked for the nearest inn. Fortunately, there was one that was still open. Amisa quickly went in. "Luckily you made it in time" said the inn owner as he shut the door, locked the window and pulled the blind. "I was about to not let anyone in" he continued.
"What's happening? Is there a curfew?" asked Amisa, curiously. "Yup. Ever since there is a dragon on the loose last year" answered the inn owner, as he took out a log book for Amisa. "Might as well make your stay short in this village" he said. Amisa wrote her name in the log book. "So... how long are you staying here?" asked the inn owner as he passed the key. "I'll pay you when I check out" said Amisa, and went to her room. The fact that a dragon was haunting the village made Amisa want to stay a little bit longer.
After taking a bath, Amisa went to sleep, exhausted from her long journey. But it was not for long; a loud commotion woke her from her slumber. She got up and looked out the window. She saw that there was a blaze at the other side of the village. "Dragon! The dragon is coming!" shouted the panicked villagers. Amisa grabbed her dagger and went out. "It's dangerous outside!" yelled the inn owner as Amisa left the inn. People were running around the street everywhere trying to get away from the dragon, while Amisa ran in the opposite direction.
Amisa looked up the clear sky but could not see the dragon clearly. It was a dark colored dragon, very rare and hard to fight especially at night. And that was the reason it usually attacked in night time. Amisa held her sword tightly in her hand as she observed the dragon landed in a compound not far from her. It seems that the dragon was not actually attacking the villagers. The dragon only burned their crops and ate their livestock. However, Amisa still need to find a way to get close to the dragon with less risk. With all her physical ability, Amisa climbed the rooftop and got close as she could towards the dragon.
Silently, she took out her sword, ready to stab the dragon on the back. Seeing the once in a lifetime chance, she jumped onto the back of the dragon. The dragon was shocked and tried to shake Amisa off its back. With jaw clenched tight, Amisa tried to get hold of the dragon while trying to stab it. Suddenly the dragon started to twist and turn which made Amisa fell off. Amisa quickly stood back up and ready to face the charging dragon. With a quick dodge, Amisa countered the charge and managed to stab the dragon on its back. In response to the pain, the dragon growled and whipped Amisa with its tail. She grunted in pain as she flung a few feet to the ground.
Amisa gathered all her senses and saw that the dragon was about to flee. Without wasting any time, Amisa quickly weaved a hand seal making the sword glimmer. The dragon growled before it flew into the dark sky, leaving Amisa unconscious.
The next morning, Amisa woke up in an unfamiliar room. Then, a door opened and came in a man in formal attire. "Good morning, Miss Amisa" said the man. "I'm Kenta, the head of this village" he introduced himself. "Where am I?" asked Amisa. "You were found unconscious last night. Guess you really showed that dragon a thing or two" said Kenta, ending with a chuckle. "Pardon me. But may I ask if you are a dragon hunter?" he said. Amisa nodded. "Well... that explained it. You were fearless last night" said Kenta. "...putting it up with that dragon" he continued. "Thanks, but I need to get going" said Amisa. "Take a rest for awhile. You deserved it" said Kenta, and he left Amisa all by herself.
Amisa lay down on the bed. She recalled the attack last night as she noticed that the dragon did not attack nor hurt any villagers. Amisa got up, wearing her gear, and went out the room. As she expected, Kenta was still wandering outside the room. "I need to go to the dragon's lair" stated Amisa. Kenta was wide eyes at her bold statement. "Well, I'm totally delighted that you brave yourself to face the dragon. It's been years since the last dragon hunter came to our village" said Kenta. "If you insist, I'll let you go and as you may know, we'll pay you handsomely too..." he said with no hesitation in his voice. Amisa returned him with a deep stare. "But I need a few men to come with me since I don't know the path in the forest. What's the point if I get lost in the first place?" said Amisa, bargaining a deal.
Kenta was left thinking about it. He then nodded in agreement. Later that afternoon, Amisa left the village with two volunteers with them being cheered on by the villagers. They went into the deep forest, towards the mountain where the dragon was supposed to live in a cave somewhere high up the mountain.
To be continued...

Dragon Hunter [Sasuke x OC]
FanfictionSeven years since her village was ruined by a dragon attack, Amisa grew up to be a dragon hunter. Until one day she came to a peasant village and had to fight a dragon like she used to. Just that, this was no ordinary dragon; a man was cursed into a...