CH 2

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Ch 2

‘Who could deny these butterflies?’


A day had passed and they reached some point up the mountain. It was almost dark. “We can only guide you until here. Next journey, you must go alone” said one of the men. Amisa frowned. “But I haven’t found the cave yet” she said. The men shrugged. “We’re only peasants, not some dragon hunter” they said, looking at each other with a smirk. Amisa sighed in disbelief but she had to agree with them. No use for them to risk their lives anyway. As it was getting late in the day, Amisa continued her journey, climbing the mountain.

She found the cave and it was already dark. Slowly and silently, she went into the cave. As she fit herself into the crack in the cave wall, she had the shocked of her life. Her assumption was right, the dragon was cursed. Or rather, a person was cursed into a dragon. Amisa gaped at what she saw. There was a bed in the middle of the hall, with lamps and candles around the place as lights. As she took her time immerse in her thought, a loud rustle outside made Amisa startled. Quickly, she hid in the crack and peeked at the cave wide entrance.

As she thought, the dragon came, but clumsily. It struggled its way in, stumbled around the walls and fell down, next to the bed. Slowly, it transformed into its’ human form. Amisa’s eyes widened at what she just saw. She had learnt about this kind of curse years ago, but this was her first time witnessing such event. As Amisa’s nervousness slowly faded, she went to the dragon. Now he was just a man, lying face down on the floor. He was wearing a dark blue robe and he had dark hair, explaining the dark dragon. Amisa realized that he was breathing slowly and was still bleeding from the wound she inflicted last night.

Amisa walked closer, she saw her sword was placed next to the bed. Slowly, Amisa crouched on the floor, next to the man. She touched his wounded back and pulled his robe off, exposing his wound. It was deep and still bleeding. Amisa took out some ointment from her pouch and rubbed it on his skin. The man grunted in pain and his eyes shoot opened. In seconds, he flipped over, and tugged on Amisa’s hand. Amisa gasped in shocked and pain as he tightly grasped her wrist. “Wh-who are you?!” he asked with shaky voice. Amisa realized that he had a terrible fever from the wound as he was sweating madly and looked pale. His breathing was irregular too.

“I’m just trying to help you…” said Amisa. The man’s grasp on her wrist slowly loosened as he loses consciousness. Amisa tried to stop the bleeding. Minutes later, the man woke up, again lying face down. He could felt that someone was touching his back but it was soothing. He turned slightly to meet the lady’s eyes. She smiled at him slightly. As he tried to get up, Amisa pressed on his shoulder lightly, to hold him down. “No, wait till I finish stopping the bleeding” she said. “You tried to kill me before… why are you healing me now?” he then asked. “Because you’re hurt. And I was right, you’re cursed. I knew it when you didn’t attacked the villagers. Real dragon will feast on humans” said Amisa, still focused on her healing.

Moments later, she was finished. The man got up. “Leave now” he said, facing his back towards Amisa. “I can’t. Your wound is still lethal. And you’re having a fever because of the poison I put on my sword” said Amisa. The man turned slightly to her. “I know you’ve tried to heal yourself. But it won’t make any effect, since I also put a curse on my sword” Amisa continued. The man’s eyebrow knitted closer. “Just leave” he insisted, staring deeply towards Amisa. The lady sighed. Her eyes trailed at his left chest. “I can lift the curse mark. I’ll help you. I’ve learned about this kind of curse, so trust me” she said. The man thought for awhile then he turned away. “I expect you to be gone once I come back” he said as he made his way out of the cave. “If I leave, you’ll die” replied Amisa.


It was before dawn, when the sky was still in blue night, the dragon flew back to the cave, slowly changing to its human form as he reached the ground. He walked to his chamber, only to be stopped by the sight of the lady on his bed. She was sleeping. The man stepped cautiously towards the sleeping lady and slowly grabbed the sword that was on the table next to his bed. He raised the sword and almost pierced the lady straight in her neck when he abruptly stopped. He was breathing hard at his own thought of killing the unaware lady. Somehow, Amisa was still sleeping soundlessly despite almost being killed. He knew she was exhausted from the journey to the cave. The man went away, leaving the chamber.

Morning sunlight shone brightly through the crack, burning Amisa’s skin. She woke up. Then jolted a bit on the bed, Amisa deciphered her surroundings. Her mind slowly reminded her of where she was. She unconsciously smiled, as she stretched lightly. “Breakfast” said a voice followed by a light thud. Amisa turned to the voice, it was the dragon guy, and some fruits lying on the ground. “Ohaiyou…” greeted Amisa. “Leave after this…” replied the guy coldly. Amisa sighed. “I won’t, you know that. Just save your words for something else” said Amisa, jokingly. “Save yourself…” replied the guy. “I’ve told you, I’m not scared of you” Amisa chuckled. The guy snorted, “Not from me, but the villagers. They will look for you soon, and that will be dangerous” he said.

Amisa looked at the guy curiously. “Don’t you get it? I’ve told you that I’ll tell them, you’re cursed… they won’t be dangerous to you” she said. “They’ll be dangerous to you! They will think that you’re siding with me!” he replied angrily, that made Amisa shuddered. She silently agreed. “I’ll stay…” she muttered. “As you wish…” the guy said and left the chamber.

Later that day, Amisa managed to convince the guy to sat down and let her continue healing his wound. “So, what’s your name?” she asked, trying to make a conversation. The guy kept silent. “I’m Amisa, so you’re?” again, Amisa tried her best. Still silence she received, she purposely pressed on the wound. The guy hissed in pain, turning slightly at the lady in annoyance. “Oh come on, tell me your name…” pleaded Amisa, holding onto the guy’s shoulders so that he will not leave. “Tch” he let out in defeat, “Sasuke…”. Amisa smiled victoriously. “Sasuke? What a nice name…” she commented. “It’s… It’s been a very long time since a human called me by my name” said Sasuke. Amisa’s smile faded away as she could hear sadness in Sasuke’s voice.

“You must be lonely” muttered Amisa. “I’m used to it” replied Sasuke. Silently, Amisa kept doing her healing work, running her fingers along the scar on Sasuke’s back. She tried to lift the curse she put and remove the poison. Sasuke somehow stiffened at the touch. His muscles flexed with every contact she made to his skin. It sent a weird electrifying sensation along his body that made him wonder why. “Don’t tense too much!” said Amisa as she held Sasuke’s shoulder to stop him from stiffening, “I can’t heal you if you don’t relax your muscle. And it will hurt more if you move!” warned Amisa. Sasuke grunted at the uneasiness he felt. He could not help it but feeling anxious and his heart was beating madly in his chest. He kept on thinking to make a spurt for it.

“There… that’s all for now” said Amisa as she ran her finger along the scar for one last time. The wound healed, leaving a thin scar on his skin. Sasuke immediately got up and slid on his robe. “I could do much better if you don’t tense so much…” muttered Amisa. “I just felt weird… maybe because it has been 13 years since I last being this close to a human” he said, without facing Amisa. His words somehow made Amisa startled. “I see…” was all she muttered. Then Sasuke left the place.


It was dark again and Sasuke returned to his cave, transforming from a dragon to a man. He made his way to his chamber but Amisa was not there. It somehow made him felt relieved. Then he went over to the pond at the other end of the cave, thinking of having a soak. There, he saw Amisa, bathing in the pond. She was unaware of his presence as she was facing her back to him. Sasuke stared for awhile at the naked lady although most of her body was immersed in the water. When his conscious mind took over again, he walked away quickly. His heart was beating fast as if he had just finished a race. “What am I feeling?” he thought.

To be continued...

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