CH 6

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Ch 6

'Death leaves heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal'


"Please! Listen to me!" Amisa cried in the tumbrel, hands gripped tight at the metal bars. "The dragon won't hurt anyone! He's cursed! Listen to me!" she tried to convince the men that were holding spears and swords, surrounding her. The men simply ignored her plead as they continued the journey to the centre of the town square.

"The dragon! It's coming!" yelled the men. People started to panic and ran. Everything seems to be in a chaos. Some of the men were preparing to fight the dragon. Amisa looked at the night sky; a dragon was coming towards them. "No, Sasuke!" she thought. She then looked around; giant crossbows were lined up along the road, aiming to the sky.

"No!" Amisa screamed as she saw Sasuke flew over. "It's a trap! Don't come here!" she cried. "Shut up you whore!" said one of the captors. "You have lied to us!" he continued as he pointed a spear towards Amisa. The dark haired lady gasped in fear and anxiety.

"Prepare the bows!" shouted the men. "We'll kill the dragon tonight!" they shouted in unison. Amisa was breathing hard, fear for Sasuke's safety. Along the road, giant crossbows and archer men were aiming towards the flying dragon. "Don't come here!" Amisa shouted. "Please... no..." her voice weakened as she cried.

"I heard you..." Sasuke thought. But still, he hovered above the men, trying to think of way to save Amisa. Suddenly a large arrow flew towards him, he growled, dodging it and breathed fire at them, not to hurt anyone but to chase them away.

Sasuke flew higher, away from the arrow's range. "Attack!" shouted a man in the middle, as he signaled to the others. Then, countless of arrows flew into the sky, big and small. The small arrows were nothing as his skin was thick enough but Sasuke had to dodge the large one. Sasuke carelessly flew around them, breathing fire. Some men were hurt and they ran away to safety.


Seeing that more men were running away from the place, the leader had no choice. "Bring that woman here!" commanded the leader. A man with a spear in his hand opened the tumbrel and grabbed Amisa's hand. "No!" Amisa pulled away and she kicked the man at the crotch. "Ugh" grunted the man. "Why you!" and the man grabbed Amisa by her hair. "Ahh!" screamed Amisa in pain.

Sasuke heard the sharp scream that was Amisa's voice. He turned to the scream. His eyes were fiery looking at the men. Quickly, he flew down ignoring all the arrows and snatched the man right in front of the tumbrel's opening. Amisa stumbled down, as one of the man's severed hands was in front of her. She felt like vomiting.

"Now's your chance Amisa, run!" thought Sasuke as he flew back again, hoping Amisa to understand the situation. Amisa recollect herself and peered out the tumbrel. She looked at the sky and saw Sasuke was looking at her. "Thanks Sasuke" she thought, and jumped down from the tumbrel.

"Damn you dragon!" shouted the leader. "You two! Bring her to the stake!" he then commanded. Two men came running towards Amisa. Seeing that the men were coming after her, Amisa tried to run with all her might, but she failed as the men managed to outrun her. They grabbed her shoulders and captured her again. They went to the stake with fire pit at the bottom. "No, please!" Amisa begged.

Sasuke grew impatient as he saw Amisa was in danger. The fire breathing dragon hovered closer to the ground, burning any men left that was hindering him. He growled when spears or arrows hit him. But none of the pain could take him down. He was bleeding and injured all over but his eyes fixated at the lady that was dragged away.

"Faster! Bring the chain!" shouted the leader as he led his men with a large chain. They were trying to capture Sasuke. However, Sasuke saw through them, he flew directly at the leader and grabbed a hold of his head and stomped on it. The other men panicked and started to run away.

Sasuke flew over towards Amisa, while breathing fire to the people around. The men left Amisa on the ground as they ran for their lives. Slowly, Sasuke transformed into his human form, pacing towards the lady. Amisa was looking at Sasuke with teary eyes.

"I'll take you home..." said Sasuke as he walked towards Amisa. Suddenly his eyes widened in seconds. Amisa too, as she saw an arrow pierced through Sasuke's chest. Sasuke stopped and looked down to his chest. His breathing hitched in difficulty. Amisa sprinted to his place, cradling him as he stumbled to the ground.


"Sasuke! No!" cried Amisa as he let Sasuke lie on her lap. He was smiling somehow, despite his shallow breathe. Slowly, Sasuke raised his hand, touching Amisa's cheek. "I'm glad that I can see you..." he said with his shaky voice. "You're... you're bleeding..." Amisa was unable to compose herself. "I need to stop the bleeding..." She kept on staring at the blood from Sasuke's chest.

"No, listen to me..." Sasuke inhaled deeply, "...I'm dying soon... but I want you to know..." he coughed blood. Amisa cried hard that she could not see Sasuke's face clearly. "...I love you... and thank you, for making me... human again" he smiled before he exhaled slowly. His hand fell to his side.

Amisa cried harder as she cradled Sasuke to her chest. She embraced him as long as she could. "I love you too..." she muffled in her cry.


Four years later...

Amisa was washing clothe by the river. She was a free woman but no longer a dragon hunter. She would not care less about dragons anymore as she continued her life as a healer and a, "Mama!". Amisa turned around. A little boy at the age of four was running around with his pet dog. "Look! We're playing catch!" he squealed in joy.

"Don't run too fast, you'll fall!" said Amisa. She shook her head at her son, Daisuke. He was a cheerful young boy, a sad reminder to Amisa of his father. However, she was glad that their love did not end since Daisuke was born to the world. "Sasuke, can you see him?" Amisa whispered silently.


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