Chapter 1: Guys Are Such Dogs

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Re-Edited! Thanks to shelbylw03 for critiquing!

Chapter One:


Cadence Demarice POV:

  "One Fuzzy Navel coming right up!" I called.

  Ughh...I'm so ready to get home. I've been bartending for seven hours with only one thirty-minute break. My feet hurt and I've been surrounded by drunken idiots all night! And I swear if one more guy comes onto me I will go off!

  Well. Yeah. This is the beginning of my story. Not my whole life, but just the interesting part. My name is Cadence Demarice and am of twenty-two years of age. I'm about 5'3"; with have long, curly, russet hair; brown eyes; and I'm kinda pretty. Don't mean to toot my own horn, but if you've been flirted with as many times as I have, you start to realize it.

  Back to the story. It started off on a night exactly like this one...and here it is, I guess.

 (A/N: I put other POV’s to make it more interesting, so it’s not just Cadence’s.)


  "Uhh...hehe...I guess I'll have a gin and tonic!" said a Bimbo.

  I mean really the blonde, purposely trying to get herself drunk so guys will come onto her, screamed BIMBO. Fake blonde hair...fake nails...pounds of makeup.

  "Coming right up!" I answered with a fake smile.

  Any minute, someone will come and tell me my shift is over. Let me guess: five...four...three...two...

  "Hey, Cae, you can go home now," said my favorite person right now; AKA Marc Bane.

  No, I'm not psychic. I'm just good like that.

  Marc is two years my senior; 6'0"; had blonde, straight hair with his bangs reaching his nose; moss-green eyes; and was one of my fellow bartenders here at MAD WONDERLAND.


  The club was amazing. It was decorated in bright, vibrant colors; had a sparkling dance floor; and it looked like it came straight from the actual Wonderland. We even had mushrooms as chairs.

  Back to Marc: he was sweet and caring and gorgeous, but I have a don’t-date-fellow-workers policy. It may suck when he’s around, but it’s served me well.

  “Alright, Marc. Thanks!” I came up to him and gave him a good bye hug, like I usually do. “See ya tomorrow!” I called as gathered my things and headed out of the employee entrance.

  “See ya, Cae!”


  I looked around the dim parking lot for my 2010 Mustang. Nice car, I know. We get paid pretty good, plus we get tips. I spotted my baby, got in, and started the thirty minute home. I live in a big city on the border of Washington and Oregon. I absolutely love it here. There’s so much rain and forest. Heaven!

  ‘Almost home,’ I thought to myself when I spotted I pulled over to side of the road where it was.

  I slowly walked up to the...wolf! It had its eyes on me. It was a beautiful wolf with its black coat; one blue eye and one green eye; and it also had a star on its back the exact color as my hair.

“Poor baby!” I whispered. The wolf visibly relaxed and started humming in contentment, even though it was covered in injuries and bleeding.

  “ poor thing! Who could do this to you?” You may be thinking I’m crazy for approaching a strange animal, but I have an absolute adoration for anything warm, cute, and fuzzy. “Alright, Sweetie, I’m going to lift you and put you in my car so I can help you, okay? Just hold on one second.” I searched in the wolf’s eyes seeing if it was safe. Then, I went and opened my back seat’s door and put a towel down (I kept it for when it was hot so my leather seats would not burn me).

  ‘Now, for the hard part,’ I thought. I went behind the wolf and scooped him up so I was cradling him like a baby. ‘He sure weighs more than a baby. Goodness, he’s heavy!’ Somehow, Lord knows how, I carried him about twelve feet to the back of my car and gently laid him down. The poor guy didn’t show any signs of protest. I got back in the front seat with blood on my shirt and drove home.

Aidan Karson POV:

  ‘Great. I finally found someone to take me in,’ I thought. After being beaten by my pack for wanting to quit it (the pack was cruel and killed people), I crawled to a roadside. I waited for hours and hours and no one would stop. Except her. She was sweet and I could tell she had honest heart.

  This was going to be hard; not changing into human form. But I needed to lay low for a while. I just hope that she doesn’t call Animal Control on me. God! My cuts stung so bad. Five minutes later and we were stopped at her house.

  I heard her talking to herself saying, “Should I put him in a bath first, or let him get used to a new environment?” Smart thinking if I was a normal wolf, but I have human thoughts and could really use a bath. I let out a moan to speed her up.


  “Oh, dang! I’ll just wash him first, he needs it!” Thank the Lord, I was getting a bath!

    She got out of the car and miraculously could pick me up! Though I felt she was about to drop me, she raced and got me inside her log cabin, inside the bathroom, before she dropped me. Man, she’s got some muscle.

   The bathtub was amazing, too. It was one of those with a step leading up towards it and is right by giant windows. That part I don't like. What if someone saw her?!  Crazy woman.  I heard the faucet turn on (I couldn’t see it since I was turned the opposite way) and felt the cold water quickly turn warm. Ah! It felt so good. I also felt her take a rag and gently wipe the dried blood from my coat. I took this as an opportunity to check her out.

  Wow. If only I was human right now, I’d pull her in this tub with me and ravish her. She was a goddess. Nice long, curly, red-brown hair; luminous, eyes the same color; long, toned legs; tight butt; soft curvy hips, leading up to a tiny waist; and the biggest, real, chest I have ever seen. Her red, plump lips were moving, murmuring words in her honey voice meant to soothe me.

  I don’t think anything could keep me relaxed better than staring at her. I am going to have fun staying here.

End of Chapter One! Tell me what you thought so I know to continue or not!

Guys Are Such Dogs! Or Should I Say Wolves?Where stories live. Discover now