Chapter 3: Getting to Know Her

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Chapter Three:


Cadence's POV:

  I finished the song and my shower at the same time, wrapping a towel around myself as I got out. I looked for the wolf and found him in a corner of the bathroom, sleeping. I smiled. At least he's comfortable enough around me to sleep. I took my sleepy clothes from their spot atop the toilet, went behind the shower curtain again, and changed.

  I know what you're thinking, "Weirdo!", right? Well, he's a strange dog, and he hasn't even bought me dinner yet (just joking), so I didn't feel right changing in front of him just yet. I finished quickly and searched for my black brush inside the bathroom closet. My bathrooms (there are 3) and the kitchen are completely decorated in black, red, and white. Black and white checkered tile; red sink, toilet, and tub; and white closet, make up my bathroom. My kitchen was black and white tile; red appliances; and black marble counter top.

  I suppose I should give you the layout of my house so you won't get confused? Well, I live in a big house with 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, a pool in the backyard (well actually it's a forest), cozy living room, huge kitchen, and an office. How can a bartender afford this? It's been passed down from generation to generation in my family, just slowly modernized. I love the house and all of its family nostalgia.

  The living room was blue and white-from the wrap-around couch, to the painted brick fireplace, to the drapes-baby blue and white. The office was decorated in cream and tan. When my parents died I was 15 and I freaked out. Instead of self-pitying and crying, though, I repainted everything to symbolize a fresh start with a stronger me. It helped.

  After detangling my hair, I French braided and tied it off with a ribbon. I'm kinda obsessed with ribbons; I have a ribbon of every color and always use them when tieing my hair. It was my mother that got me started on it. She gave me a new ribbon for every birthday. I sighed. I really needed to stop thinking of depressing things and focus on the wolf I acquired.

  I  looked over at him- he's still sleeping. He's such a beautiful wolf. I carefully made my way over to him and crouched down. He didn't register my presence so I place my hand next to his nose so he could smell me. "That woke him up!" I thought as his eyes instantly shot open and he stood up.

  He didn’t start growling which I was thankful for, I was hoping that meant he was starting to trust me. Or maybe I just read too much into things and hoped for the best. Probably the latter.

  “Hey, there,” I cooed, “my name’s Cadence Demarice. Now, what should I call you? I know I may not see you again after tonight, but I’d like to address you as something other than, Wolf. How about...Max?” The wolf stared at her expectantly.

  “John?” Nothing.

  “Jake?” Nadda.

  This went on for a while until something struck me.


  “How about Aiden? I have always fancied that name since...” I trailed off as I noticed the wolf doing a few excited prances. “We have a winner?” I asked, smiling. “Aiden it is, then.”

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