Chapter 22 - My Cat turned to Human

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The Vytal tournament is now near well two weeks before it, I was on my dorm checking my weapons and fixing some new tricks of my sniper. I reach for my drawer and picked up a small clip for my sword, when I was done fixing my sniper I put it on it's case and I do my work in my sword.

I removed my goggles that is covering my eyes, I smile when seeing my works done, my blade was now with a black highlights that will glow when fighting. I put my sword to it's sheath and I leaned it beside my table and I search for my Sketchpad but to no avail I didn't find it.

I wonder where I put it.. I got up opening the window and fresh air run inside my room, looking outside I saw my sisters team and team CFVY.. Do they even remember me? I close my windows and set a fresh clothes on my bed sighing softly removing my shirt off of me.

I run my hands on my scars that's on my body and my eyes twitch feeling the scars, I feel like a dirty rag that's left behind to be thrown off.

: Feeling down again I see

I was snap out on my own thoughts when someone talk, I look around but saw nothing. I slowly picked up my sword removing the sheath out of it's blade.

Rangel : Show yourself..

: You know I remember the song show yourself somehow..

I role my eyes hearing it saying that, I walk towards the bed side and I get to my fighting stance when it speak again.

: No need for that..

I heard it speak again and I was startled when my cat jump out earning a loud noise and smoke scatter over the room. And when the smoke subside my Grimm cat is no longer a Grimm cat but a girl with a lose Grimm mask on her head, red hair flowing over her back, and her blue eyes gazing up on me, she was wearing a old fashion dress like a goddess.

: You done staring?

I stop for a moment and look to the girl now in front of me, my cat turned into human, no wonder Farren told me I was lucky to have the rare grimm. Wait my cat turned into human!!..

I was shocked ofcourse that my cat turned to human, I didn't expect this to happen and I need to do my training routine before the Vytal Tournament come. I groan in the thought and I put my guard down, laying my weapon down and slumping on my bed.

: You're not going to ask me anything?

Rangel : What for?, your my cat that I was taking care of.. And I am a bit tired to think more today...

I said covering my face with my pillow and ignoring my now human cat, time passes by and I felt my sleepy eyes and I went to drift off.


She went off to sleep and completely ignore me for almost a time, well she's asleep so what can we expect? Gah... I mentally facepalm when I said that to my self. I removed the pillow from her face and I looked mesmerizing her for a minute, she sure is shock because of what I did. I put the covers up cuddling soon when feeling her warmth.

Your such a good daughter to be left alone..

I said in a sad tone looking at her, it's surely true that her sisters forget about her while she's on her mission and that is because of the up coming tournament that they are waiting.

Rangel : I'm I that good daughter?

I gaze up to met her dull red eyes looking at me, I lightly smile at her and nods, she do is a good daughter because she don't hate her family even they did a bad stuff to her.

Rangel : You may see me as a good daughter but I didn't do anything to be a good daughter thou..

She said with a chuckles I sat up and she did the same and silence erupt over us, I was the one to break the silence.

Because you run away from your family so you thought you didn't do any good as a daughter right?

Rangel : Yeah, I run away, I live my own life without them, and I didn't think that I will meet them again, I was happy at thr same time but inside me I was sad I don't know why..

she answer me with a frustrated tone and she face the wall at the side, making me sighed deeply and standing opening the close window. I sat on the window sill, and look at her again but she already enters the bathroom to take a shower.

I run my hand to my red hair and I look up to the sky, I should help her to forget about the bad thing she is thinking, and to the thing she is scared to do.

( Time skip brought to you by chibi Rangel hiding behind the wall gripping the cookies she stole from her mother )

"Author POV"

Clashing of weapons will be heard from the training room, both panting and tired because of the training they are doing.

: Stop holding your self while fighting!

The red girl shouts out to the black haird girl with a yellow tip from her hair, the black hair tries to punch the red her to the gut but she made to block the fist coming. The red hair did a back flip and running toward the black haired girl and both of their weapons made a loud clashing sound. The black haired girl jumps out of the ground and she turned her sheath into gun and fire to the red haired girl that is back flipping to dodge the bullet coming from the black haired girl.

This indicate the red haired girl to use her semblance and fastly made her way behind the black haired girl that is busy shooting down, she didn't waste time and kicked her down to the ground and the floor break from the  hard fall of the black haired girl.

: Ahhh!!!  That's unfair you kicked me without me knowing...

The black haired girl whine and set the red girl to laugh at her and help her to stand up only to fall down again.

: No!!!....

: Told you I won't get easy on you..

The black haired girl groan in annoyance and she put her hand up to get help, they made their way to the cafeteria to get a food but stop when they both saw the black haired girl sisters.

"Rangel POV"

Rangel : My body hurts, you'll pay for this..

I mumble to my self, me and Remi made our way to the cafeteria to get food because man I'm totally starving and I didn't even eat food this morning while we're both heading to the cafeteria we cross paths with my sisters, uhm.. Yeah this is awkward situation for me.

Ruby : Rangel! Wow what happened to you? you look exhausted..

Rangel : Yeah well... Uhm, I train this morning and yeah will be grabbing food to the cafeteria and uhm...

Remi : Well be going now.. Let's go.

Remi said in a emotionless tone and we both walk off leaving my sisters and her team..

: What's with them?

I heard and we both head to the cafeteria, I excitedly eat my cookies and drank my milk. Remi watch in awe while she ate her apple.

Rangel : Stop looking gah!! 

I whine and she laugh in amusement and point at me.

Remi : You look like a cat, that is excited to eat it's food.

She said and I huff only for me to mumble.

Rangel : Look who's talking, Your the one who's cat in here.

I said shaking my head and  continue to munch my cookies, I was really happy to eat cookies because why not? It's delicious and I might get to a sugar rush, you know what I mean by sugar.

Remi : Tell me when to put a rope on you ok..

She said and I just role my eyes on her, yup I name her Remi and she'll be my team well professor Ozpin told Remi everything about me and that's a well how do you feel when someone tell everything about you.

Rangel : Psshh..

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