Cutlass Anne - Chapter Forty-three

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Chapter Forty-three

I heaved myself onto the deck of The Cutlass, gulping down air as my aching shoulders throbbed. The rain was pounding on the infamous ship. I stared at the starless sky as a streak of silver lightening illuminated the night. I quickly rolled over and scanned the deck with the bit of light before it disappeared entirely. It was deserted.

They are either all down below deck or on shore.

I climbed to my feet wearily and crept along the deck. A soft light emanated from the galley below deck. The captain's cabin was dark though. I stood near the doorway that led to where the crew slept and listened; men were laughing and carrying on from somewhere in the bowels of the ship. I crept along to the door that led to John Jacks's room. I turned the knob and opened the door slowly. It was empty. My heart sunk. If he was not here, he would be somewhere in town.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you?" a man shouted from behind me.

"A ghost," I replied as the corners of my mouth quirked up into a devilish smile.

He pulled out a sword and pointed it at me.

"Oh come now, it is not polite manners to point such an object at a lady." I tusked him.

"How did you get on this ship?" he asked.

"I fell from the sky." I smiled coyly.

"Who are you?" He shouted, drawing unwanted attention to the situation.

"Where is your captain?" I asked.

"The captain does as he pleases."

"That is not what I asked. I want to know where he is."

"For what reason?" Another man also drew his sword.

"Boys, boys, put the toys away before you get hurt," I replied, pulling my cutlass from its sheath.

As the rest of the crew piled onto the deck I bit my lip. "So it seems I may be outnumbered here."

I put my sword back in the sheath and raised my hands.

"Now who are you, wench?"

"Such language and I am deeply hurt you do not recognize a woman you held prisoner on this slave ship. You will have to forgive me for leaving so soon. I believe I have worn out my welcome," I said as I continued to back up toward the railing of the ship.

"Where do you expect to go?" The first man almost laughed.

"Back where I came from." I climbed onto the railing of the ship.

"You are insane, woman. Get down from there before you hurt yourself."

I shrugged my shoulders, turned, and dived off the side into the dark abyss far below. I took a deep breath as I hit the water, plunging far beneath the ship. I looked upward at the massive underbelly of The Cutlass and swam underneath it. I knew the men would be scanning portside for any sign of me; a starboard breather would make sense. I came upon the side of the ship and swallowed a mouthful of air before sliding below the surface of the water again. The longboat should have been fairly close. I continued kicking and pulling myself with my hands through the water, ignoring the searing pain in my chest as I held my breath as long as I possibly could.

Once I felt as though my lungs would explode I popped up on the surface, in front of my crew.

"What happened?" Flynn pulled me into the boat.

"It's The Cutlass, but John Jacks isn't on board."

"Where is he?" Christopher inquired.

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