Journey to Aethaliat

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Sephira willed Caius faster as they left the stares behind. She hoped Sorin didn't follow and planned on being out-of-sight for the day so that maybe Sorin would calm down and the others could forget. She knew Dawn wouldn't forget the sight of her, but wondered how much she would say. She felt like Craven wouldn't be interested in divulging about his experiences with her. She liked that he was stoic. She liked his intimidating stature and beautiful sharply featured face. She knew Caius was too entuned with her to not be able to feel her sexual pleasure and wondered what effect it had on him and if Crow was aware of his master's feelings. Sephira laid back on Caius' bare leathery back and looked at the bright blue sky. She had neglected to put his saddle on and he only wore his helmet as he sped through the air over the great empty sea. She knew she'd have to turn around to find somewhere for him to land before they got too far from shore.

When they came upon some land unexpectedly, she let Caius take them down to it. When he landed on a large standing stone, she turned back to look where they had come from. If only she could see her companions in a way that they could not see her. She wished for a moment to be invisible as she sat comfortably on her dragon's shoulders. She let Caius lounge in the sun on a smooth stone while she found a rabbit to cook and eat. She was glad to see there was some forest on the land she had found and wondered if it was connected to the mainland or just an island. She was careful not to turn her back to the forest while she ate her rabbit.

She started back only when the sun started to touch the horizon. She wanted the cover of night when she arrived. Caius flew with strong wings through the cool breeze and she knew the arrow wounds had already healed. The wound on her side had also healed enough that it didn't hurt. She could see the fire on the beach and the dark shapes of lounging dragons on the shore. Two of them sat up when they saw her, but she could tell with their sharp sight they were able to discern that it was Caius. She looked for Oryx and wondered if Sorin had gone looking for her when she hadn't returned at nightfall. They all jumped back as Caius landed close to the fire. He had come in quickly and his large paws dug into the sand. Sephira used Caius' wing to be lowered onto the sand and she stepped closer to the fire with indecision. The air was tense as they all seemed to be waiting for her to try to kill Dawn.

Dawn sat shaking by the fire and was still avoiding her eye contact. She scanned their faces. The Air clan humans were sitting still like they were holding their breath behind Rauka, who was similarly still, but wore a stern expression like she knew what Sephira was debating. She had spent all day thinking about if she'd even be able to kill Dawn. She definitely didn't want to.

Markus and Isolde sat back down after being startled by Caius, but they still looked uncomfortable. Leuthil had come out of his tent and Sephira didn't fail to notice his hand on the hilt of his small, curved sword at his waist. Finally, her eyes fell on Craven. He had been sitting facing the water on the opposite side of the fire and she saw it dancing in his burning gold eyes that were both fixed on her.

The fact that she hadn't drawn any of her weapons seemed to have kept any of them from saying anything. She couldn't think of anything to say so she made her way calmly by the fire to join her orc. He looked up to her from where he sat and she let his arm come around her waist as she sat carefully onto his thigh and leaned her body into his.

"Tomorrow we have to fly to Aethaliat." Craven broke the silence, with his eyes on the fire as he pictured going to another naiad city and having problems with naiads attacking them.

"Malina and Quinnelin are meeting us there?" Isolde asked, pointing her question at Dawn. Dawn had still been looking down and she chanced a look at the dark elf.

"Uhm, yes." Dawn answered, her voice giving away her nervous state. "The Empress promised they would meet us at the docks with a ship."

Sephira got up suddenly, making Dawn, Isolde, and Leuthil flinch back violently. She couldn't help pausing to see the poignant fear on their faces before she spun and disappeared into Craven's tent without a word. Craven got up slowly and as he turned, he saw the reason for her sudden move was to avoid her brother. He joined her in the tent and she went to him readily.

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