The Quarry/Ben's House

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Skylar's POV

I was at the quarry with the boys and we we're all in our underwear, me in my underwear and bra. 

The boys were a bunch of pussies and didn't want to jump so they decided to stall by playing loogie.

"I win!" Richie said. 

"What?!" Eddie shouted. "Did you see my loogie?"

"Mine went the farthest" Richie said. "It's about distance, it's always been about distance."

"It has never been distance" Eddie argued. "It's about mass. It's about how it looks. If it's white, yellow, green, juicy, fat.

I sighed and took a few steps back. I started to run towards the edge. 

"See ya down there pussies!" I yelled as I jumped. 

"What the fuck?!" I heard Richie yell as I fell to the water.

Third Person POV

"Holy shit!" Stan said. 

"Dude your sister's hot" Eddie said. 

"What the fuck did you just say?" Richie asked. "That's my sister!" 

He tried to shove Eddie but Bill stopped him. 

"A-alright" he said. "W-Wwho's next?" 

"I'll go" said Beverly from behind the boys. "Sissies." 

She stripped and ran off the cliff.

"God dammit" Richie said. "We just got showed up by two girls! And one of them is my sister!"

"Do we have to do that now?" Stan asked. 

"Yes" Bill said. 

Skylar's POV

I was swimming around waiting for everyone else to join. Suddenly I saw Beverly jump off. She swam over to me and we waited for the boys to jump off. 

Eventually they did. We all swam around and did chicken fights. Then after awhile we laid out in the sun on our towels listening to Bust a Move playing on the radio. The rest of the boys were staring at Beverly but I caught Eddie staring at me. Beverly rolled over and all the boys stopped staring. Ben looked at my stomach. 

"Hey" he said, noticing the H scar. "Henry carved you up too?" 

"No" I said. "It's the weirdest thing but.... never mind you'll think I'm crazy."

"No I won't" Ben said. 

"Right before you fell into the river by where we were" I said, "my lower stomach started burning. I lifted up my shirt and saw a H on my skin. I have no idea how it got there but when we got to the drugstore and I saw you had the same one, I thought it was really weird." 

Richie interrupted because he was digging in Ben's backpack.

"News flash Ben" Richie said talking like the anchor of a news channel. "school's out for summa."

"Oh that?" Ben said. "that's not school stuff."

Richie pulled out a postcard. 

"Who sent you this?" Richie asked. 

"No one!" Ben said, snatching it out of Richie's hands. 

"Richie" I said, "Stop snooping through his personals."

"What's with the history project?" Eddie asked, looking at a folder Richie just pulled out of the bag. 

"When I first moved here I didn't really have anyone to hangout with so I just spent all my time in the library" Ben said.

That hurt a little bit. I offered to hang out with Ben whenever he wanted on the first day he was here.  

"You went to the library..... on purpose?" Richie asked. 

"Oh" Beverly said getting up. "I wanna see."

She sat down next to Bill on a rock. I knew they liked each other but I felt bad for Ben because he was in love with Beverly. 

"What's the black spot?" Richie asked.

"The Blackspot was a night club that got burned down a few years ago by that racist cult" I said. 

Someone made a comment about Beverly's hair but I didn't catch it because I caught Eddie starring at my boobs. I got inches away from his face. 

"My eyes are up here Kaspbrak" I whispered. It made him look at my lips.

"No" I laughed. "But closer."

His eyes finally met mine. 

"There ya go" I said and winked. His face was so red. 

"Why is it all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked. 

"Derry isn't like any town I've ever been in" Ben said. "They did a study here once and it said that people die or disappear 6 times the national average."

"You read that?" Beverly asked. 

"That's just grown ups" Ben said. "Kids are worse. Way way worse. I got more stuff if you want to see it?"

Eddie shook his head. 

"Come on Eds" I said, grabbing his hand. "It might be fun."

He sighed and agreed. 

We all rode to Ben's house and went inside. 

Eddie and Richie were talking about some guy, I don't really know. We got to Ben's room and there was newspaper clippings everywhere and posters of missing kids and a bunch of other stuff. 

"Woah" Richie said. 

"It's cool right?" Ben said. 

"No" Richie said. "Nothing...nothing cool."

Everyone looked around at something. 

"Oh wait" Richie said. "this is cool. Oh no. No it's not." 

I shoved him. 

"Beep Beep Rich" I said. "This stuff is actually pretty neat."

"Why are you so physically abusive?" Richie asked. 

I guess I didn't realize how much I shoved him and hit him until jut then. I looked to the ground and stepped away from him.

"What's that?" Stan asked pointing to a certain paper on the wall. 

"Oh that's the charter for Derry township" Ben said. 

"Nerd alert" Richie said. He looked at me like I was gonna do something but I didn't. 

"No" it's actually really interesting" Ben said. "Derry started as a beaver trapping camp."

"Still is! Am I right boys?" Richie said putting his hand in the air for a high-five but everyone just shook their heads.

"91 people signed the charter that made Derry" Ben said. "But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."  

"The entire camp?" Eddie asked. Bill hadn't been paying attention to us until this came up. Then he looked over and listened in. "There were rumors of Indians but no sign of an attack. Everybody thought it was a plague or something but it's like one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house."

As he talked I looked closely at the depiction of the Derry Charter signing and I saw that creepy clown that attacked me. I got as close as I possibly could because I thought I was going crazy. But it was the same creepy motherfucker. I'll never forget his face. 

"Jesus" Eddie said, freaked out by the story Ben had just told the group.  

"Who knew Derry was all mysteries?" Richie said. 

Beverly found a New Kidz on The Block poster on Ben's door but hid it before anyone else could see. 

"W-where was the well house?" Bill asked.

"I don't know" Ben said. "Somewhere in town, I guess. Why?"

We all headed home shortly after that. 

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