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Skylar's POV

We took Eddie home to tell his mom that he was hurt and needed to go to the hospital. She was livid. 

"You!" she shouted pulling Eddie away from us. "You did this! You know how delicate he is." 

"W-we were attacked M-Mrs. K" Bill said. 

"No!" she said. "Don't try and blame anyone else."

She dropped her keys after putting Eddie in the car and Beverly tried to pick them up for her. 

"Here let me help" Beverly said.

"Get back!" she said. "Oh I've heard of you Miss Marsh. I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

"Mrs. K" Bill said, "I s-s-swear-"

"NO!" she screamed. "You are all monsters! All of you and Eddie is done with you. You hear? DONE!" 

She drove off in a rush. 

"I saw the well" Bill said. "We know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." 

"NO!" Stan screamed. "No next time Bill! You're insane!" 

"Why?" Beverly said. "We all know no one else is gonna do anything."

"EDDIE WAS NEARLY KILLED!" Richie yelled. "And look at this motherfucker!" he said pointing to Ben. "He's leaking hamburger helper!"

"We can't just ignore it until it goes away" Beverly said. "Ben you said it yourself, IT comes back every 27 years."

"Fine" Ben said. "I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too."

"Because I want to run towards something," Beverly said. "Not away."

"I'm sorry who invited Molly Ringwald into the group" Richie asked. Beverly flipped him off. 

"Richie" Stan said. We were all friends with Beverly, it wasn't okay for him to say that. 

"I'm just saying" Richie said. "Let's face facts, real world. Georgie is dead! Stop trying to get us killed too!"

"Richie!" I yelled. He tried to walk away but Bill stopped him.

"He's not dead!" Bill said. 

"You couldn't save him" Richie said. "But you can still save yourself."

"Take it back!" Bill yelled. "You're scared, we all are but take it back!" 

He shoved Richie, who shoved him back and then Bill punched him in the face. 

"BILL!" I yelled. Going to help Richie up. 

"You're just a bunch of losers" Richie said. " Fuck off! You'll get your selves killed trying to get that stupid clown!" 

He tried to fight Bill but I held him back. 

"Richie no!" I said. 

"Stop!" Beverly said. "This is what it wants. IT wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt it."

"Yeah?" Richie said. "Well I plan to keep it that way." 

Ben, Richie, and Stan all got on their bikes and left. 

"Mike?" Beverly said. 

 "I can't do this guys" he said. "My uncle says I'm an outsider. I gotta keep it that way."

He left too. 

"S-S-Skylar?" Bill asked. 

"Billy" I sighed. "I'm really sorry about Georgie but that thing..... I can't."

I got on my bike and rode away. 


Months passed and I hadn't seen Bill, Eddie, or Mike. I missed them. Especially Eddie. I wasn't the same after that day. I asked my parents about when I was a baby and if I was adopted. They said I wasn't. I was so confused. What was IT talking about? Did IT somehow see me when I was a baby? But that didn't make any sense because IT only comes back every 27 years. And I don't understand how I somehow ended up with the scars and the same injuries as the rest of the Losers and Georgie. 

One day in August, I was on my way to Stan's house to hangout with him. I was riding my bike when suddenly it stopped. I was launched it the handle bars. I looked down to see what I hit but there was noting in front of my bike. I looked at my back tire and saw a gloved hand on it. I followed the arm to the storm drain when it was sticking out of. Right next to the arm was the clown's face with a sinister grin and his teeth bared. 

"Hello" he said. He yanked my bike with me on it. 

I screamed and jumped off my bike. He grabbed my foot and dragged me to the storm drain. I screamed bloody murder as he dragged me across the road into the sewer drain. I hit my head on a pipe and blacked everything else out. 

Life's Circus IT (2017) ((Eddie X Richie's Sister))Where stories live. Discover now