chapter 42

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Liz pov:

I was having a good  day , usual training with leo , I even took a run with dad , he was so happy . And I was having a nice breakfast with leo and nice chat with olive .

And then the council had to show up and ruin everything , I know this must have something to do alpha Thomas and his brat . I don't know what they are upto now.

I walked towards the field and I saw already the pack has gathered , usually if it is something minor they would discuss in dad's office . But now I know some kind of trouble awaits .

I pushed through the crowd and stepped in front to see my dad and mom and most of the council members are here .

Alpha Jordan , alpha Sean , alpha  Thomas and alpha Lance . They are all the members of the council . And I saw alpha Thomas scowl as he saw me , other alpha also had the same expression , except alpha Jordan . He had a disappointed look on his face .

" So the whole pack is here!"  .. alpha Sean stepped forward .

" Alpha Richard , you must know why are we here !" He continued as looked around as if searching for something.

I looked around only to see olive , Becca , Blake ,  Alex and Lilly .

James and leo were not here , where did they go now !? . Oh god they are out for some work .

What am I supposed to do now !? .

Okay ok..I can do this , just calm down .

" Does this have something to do with alpha Thomas !?" My dad asked lightly glaring at alpha Thomas .

" So you know.... Your daughter not only disrespected him , but broke her word for marriage with his  son!" He said and stood in middle of the field.

My word!?.. I never gave my word to marry that asshole .

I stepped forward looking at my dad .. and he nodded giving me permission to speak.

" I never gave my word to anyone for marriage , and as for insults , they started it!" I said defending my side . and it's true , that asshole started it and I just returned the favour .

" See !! This girl got the audacity to talk in such manner towards the alpha !!" Alpha thomas growled stepping forward .

Alpha Sean looked at Thomas , telling him to keep calm .

" I appreciate that you stay out of this Elizabeth !" Alpha Sean said sternly and turned to my dad.

" You are one of the alpha , who we entrusted with the moon stone , and when your pack was attacked , we were ready to take it back ...but you were the one who was persistent and agreed to make your daughter the stone holder ...and you even agreed to marry her to Thomas's son ...and you broke your word !" Sean said to dad accusing him , as if everything was our fault .

" Its true I agreed to that , but only if she wasn't able to find her mate by the time, but she did find her mate!" My dad said and step closer to me .

I know , I am a little surprised , I mean he was against me and leo being mates but now he himself said that I have a mate .

Is this his way of accepting leo !?... I don't know but I sure hope so .

" Yes , a human mate , our agreement clearly say that , if her mate is weak , she should reject him!" Sean said again and honestly it was really making me mad , who the hell is he to decide , who I should  accept and reject .

And moreover , I already was against the idea of rejecting my mate , even if he was weak , I wouldn't reject him.
And who is he calling weak ...leo!?

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