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Trigger Warning: This story contains implications of eating disorders, depression, rape and suicidal thoughts. If you are currently going through a hard time, please reach out to someone whom you trust.

My inbox is always open too, you can talk to me.

"Rule number 1, do not touch me. I hate it when people touch me," Jade leaned against her car seat.

It has been two days since they signed the contract for them to 'date' and this will be the first time they will appear in public together.

"You know if we want to act as a couple we will have to hold hands and whatever to sell to the public right?" Harry pulled his car into the parking and turned off the engine. He turned to face his 'girlfriend.'

Jade seems to be deep in thought, probably aware that what he said is true. He saw the hesitation in her eyes. "Okay, you can hold my hands, but tell me before you do." He scoffed and said nothing, choosing to open his door instead. "I'm being serious Harold!"

He slammed his door closed and walked over to Jade's side and opened her side of the door. He leaned in and Jade exhaled slowly, realising the gap between them. "Do not," he warned, "call me Harold."

He noticed the panic in her eyes when he leaned in and she started to shiver slightly, and Harry felt bad for scaring the girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he extended a hand to help the actress, noticing paparazzi are already snapping pictures of them. Jade stared hesitantly at his hand. He lowered his head and whispered, "There are cameras. I'll just hold your hand."

Slowly, she reached her hand towards him and wrapped her fingers around his. For the first time, Harry realised how small her hands are, as compared to his. He immediately began to overthink, afraid his palms are too sweaty for her. They walked together to the restaurant and the cameras followed the couple.

"Harry! Are you dating Jade now?"

"Since when have you been dating?"

"Jade, Aladdin is expected to come out soon. What do you feel?"

Harry attempted to protect Jade by placing his arms around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards him. He felt her body tense then she pretended that nothing happened. They made it into the restaurant safely, and lucky for them, Liam had made a reservation for the couple hence they are able to get a private room.

As soon as the hostess closed the door to their room, Jade let out her breath, as though she had been holding them. She turned to her singer counterpart and glared at him. "What the fuck did I say about touching me?" She barked at him.

Harry stared at Jade, bewildered. "Are you serious? He retorted. "That man was too close to you, do you expect me to just leave you like that?" He took a seat and glared back at the actress. Both of them didn't say anything but continued their glaring competition.

"This is the menu," a server entered and placed a menu in front of Jade and Harry. "This is our best wine in the house, would you like some?"

Harry nodded and the server smiled at him and poured a cup of wine for him.

"No thanks," Jade said plainly and looked through the menu.

"Are you ready to order?" The server, John, came back after a few minutes.

"I'll have a bolognese pasta, please," Harry ordered. Jade was still looking at the menu intensely. Harry could have sworn he sees her salivating over some of the food.

"I'll have a Greek salad," she ordered.

John left the room, leaving the couple in awkwardness.

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