The News

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I just got home from school, exhausted. I started to make my way up the stairs when I hear my mothers extremely annoying voice.

"Auburn, please come back downstairs & join us in the living room when you put your things away".

I reluctantly yelled "Yes mother" in the sweetest tone I could possibly force.

But then I began to think back to what she just said "us" who the fuck is us? hmm maybe its another one of her manwhores.

I got to my room, slung my backpack in the corner & walked to my dresser. I pulled out some black spandex shorts, Long Nike socks, & a black tank top. I pulled my hair into a messy bun & started to walk downstairs so I could get this over with.

"Oh there you are honey, please sit down" my mother smiled.

I sat across from my mom & the stranger. "Cut the bullshit mom & get to the damn point''.

"Your right she does have a temper'' the stranger mumbled to my mom.

"Fine Auburn, Mr.Martin -she gestured toward the guy- & I are moving to Australia to start a new life together''.

"Well that's fucking awesome mom, your such a low life mother I didn't hear anything about ''me'' in there so I guess I'm not apart of "your" new fucking LIFE!!".

"I was getting to the part about you, Auburn honey your going to go live with my bosses son in Los Angeles. His name is Jace, he's 21 years old, lives in a great area of L.A. to. His father volunteered Jace's home when I told him I was leaving & didn't have a place for you to go''.

I tried to hold back my anger but I lashed out after she says "And your leaving tomorrow at 8:30 so start packing''.

''Mom! I'm not staying with some 21 year old creep you must be fucking insane! Do you honestly hate me that much!?! huh? huh!? Do you! Well guess what I don't give a shit cause I hate you to your the worst mother ever & you fuck anything that moves! So it not like you and ''Mr.Martin'' I said in a mocking tone. Are even gonna stay together!"

I ran up the stairs before she could get another word in, i locked my door, & dropped to the ground crying...

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