Packing & Thinking

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Auburn's P.O.V

I woke up & realized I was lying on my bedroom floor. My head was pounding then it all came rushing back to me...My moms leaving & so am I, my new life with a stranger. It pissed me off just thinking about it. I got off the floor slowly cause my body was aching from my stiff position, the clock read 9:20 I've been asleep for 7 hours or so.

My stomach started growling so I headed downstairs hoping I didn't run into my mom. It was surprisingly quiet so I made my way to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

I'm staying at James house tonight there's food in the fridge, pack ALL your stuff cause were leaving for the airport at 7:00, be good. Love, Mom

I laughed while I read the note ''be good'' really mom. I threw it away then got a slice of yesterdays pizza. I sat at the counter and ate my pizza.

Jace's P.O.V

Its been hours now since I ran out of my fathers office. I've been laying in bed since I got home. I decided to turn my phone on... 6 Missed Calls 12 Missed texts. Casey & my dad of course.

I thought about what I'm gonna do, how could my dad just drop some girl in my life. Not just that but how could a mother just leave her!

My dad said she was supposed to meet me at the airport, what was her name again?

Sarah? no.

Ashley? nope.

Auburn it was Auburn !

Hmm what a pretty name, I thought as I drifted to sleep.

Auburn's P.O.V

After I ate my pizza I headed upstairs to pack. I went to my closet & grabbed my unused suit cases. I grabbed everything out of my drawers & threw it on my bed. Shirts, Pants, Underwear, Bras, & anything else I could possibly shove in there. I folded everything neatly and put them in my suit case tightly.

After all my clothes & shoes were packed I packed all necessities.

I was finally done after 2 hours, I had an outfit for tomorrow but everything else was packed.

I plopped down on my bed & drifted to sleep.

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